Wingz's Nest
Let's see what can I tell you about me....... I am married to MK (yes go ahead and say "you poor thing" LOL!!!). I collect Angels. That's where I got my nick from. I like to do crafty kinda stuff. You know...crochet, paint, silk embrodery, stuff like that. I like to read. I have a wonderful cat named Boo. He takes after my side of the family and is kinda pleasantly plump. hehehe! I think he is part bobcat or mountain lion. LOL!!! That's it about me now on to some other people who mean a heck of a lot to me....
MK is my best friend, lover, stud muffin. You can sure put the spark into a conversation MK. You oughta see the looks he gets from me when he comes up with this stuff. LOL!!! I love you more today than yesterday but not as much as tomorrow MK. Thanks for marrying me. SMAAAAAAAAK
You are my North, You are my South You are my East and West You are the rising of my sun And the going down of the same My friend, my lover, Helpmate and Soulmate. Without you I am incomplete. With you I am fulfilled beyond measure. My parents are the greatest in the world. I could not have ever wished for better parents. Not only are they my parents but they are my best friends too. I also have two older brothers, Charles & Michael. They're pretty good as big brothers go. Me and Mike use to fight constantly, now we just fight a little bit. :) Charles is always my champion. I love them and there families to death. You can find out more about them by clicking on the family page. TW and Streak: You two are the greatest. I feel like we have known each other for years and years. You brought me into the circle of your friendship with no hesitation and I love you for that. May we always stay a part of each others lives....{{{{huggz}}}}
TAZ, Dragon, Ski Bum: You 3 came into my life and made it a heck of alot brighter. You chose me and MK as your adopted parents and I love you all. NO fighting now the order does not represent who I love best. :) Behave yourselves "Don't make me come up there young ladies". {{{{huggz}}}}
Niteowl: What can I say you are a dear man. I hope your Princess deserves you. Got the Steak waiting for you. :) PS. Yep she does deserve you...Karen your such a sweet woman and I am so happy that Harvey found you. HUGGGZZZZZZZ to you both and may you always be happy.
Buffalo: OOPPPS Sorrry....Mr. Buffalo Sir, Your a heck of alot of fun big guy. Glad no one has shot you yet. :) SMAK
Nightmare: I miss my Gin buddy. Hope your doing well!!! HUGGZZZZZZZZZZ you mad hugger you.
To the rest of the guys and gals at Truckstop: Thanks for the fun, the shoulder to cry on when needed, but most of all the friendship. {{{{{{HUGGSSSSSS}}}}
One last thought..There is a saying somewhere that we are all just Angels with one wing and can only fly when we hold on to each other. That is my sentiment exactly. :)
Favorite People and Places
TumbleWeed's Home
Streak's Lil Haven
Dark Dragoness's Lair
Niteowls treehouse
Strknine's hideaway
Where I met all these fine people
Angel links