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This page is dedicated solely to poetry about friendship.
Without friends what would this world be like?
I shutter to think of it.


Your words came just when needed.
Like a breeze,
Blowing and bringing from the wide salt sea
Some cooling spray, to meadow scorched with heat
And chocked with dust and clouds of sifted sand
That hateful whirlwinds, envious of its bloom,
Had tossed upon it. But the cool sea breeze
Came laden with the odors of the sea
And damp with spray, that laid the dust and sand
And brought new life and strength to blade and
So words of thine came over miles to me,
Fresh from the mighty sea, a true friend’s heart,
And brought me hope, and strength, and swept away
The dusty webs that human spiders spun
Across my path. Friend - and the word means
much --
so few there are who reach like thee, a hand
Up over all the barking curs of spite
And give the clasp, when most its need is felt.
Friend, newly found, accept my full heart’s thanks.

--Ella Wheeler Wilcox--


When you’re tired and worn at the close of day
And things just don’t seem to be going your way,
When even your patience has come to an end,
Try taking time out and confide in a friend.

Perhaps he too may have walked the same road
With a much troubled heart and a burdensome load,
To find peace and comfort somewhere near the end,
When he stopped long enough to confide in a friend.

For then are most welcome a few words of cheer,
For someone who willingly lends you an ear.
No troubles exist that time cannot mend,
But to get quick relief, just confide in a friend.

--Author Unknown

To My Friend

I have never been rich before,
But you have poured
Into my heart’s high door
A golden hoard.

My wealth is the vision shared,
The sympathy,
The feast of the soul prepared
By you for me.

Together we wander through
The wooded ways.
Old beauties are green and new
Seen through your gaze.

I look for no greater prize
Than your soft voice.
The steadiness of your eyes
Is my heart’s choice.

I have never been rich before,
But I divine
Your step on my sunlit floor
And wealth is mine!

--Anne Campbell--


There is always a place for you at my table,
You never need to be invited.
I’ll share every crust as long as I’m able,
And know you will be delighted.
There is always a place for you by my fire,
And though it may burn to embers,
If warmth and good cheer are your desire
The friend of your heart remembers!
There is always a place for you by my side,
And should the years tear us apart,
I will face lonely moments more satisified
With a place for you in my heart!

--Anne Campbell--


I seek in prayerful words, dear friend,
My heart’s true wish to send you,
That you may know that, far or near,
My loving thoughts attend you.

I cannot find a truer word,
Nor better to address you;
Nor song, nor poem have I heard
Is sweeter than God bless you!

God bless you! So I’ve wished you all
Of brightness life possesses;
For can there any joy at all
Be yours unless God blesses?

God bless you! So I breathe a charm
Lest grief’s dark night oppress you,
For how can sorrow bring you harm
If ‘tis God’s way to bless you?

And so “through all thy days
May shadows touch thee never--”
But this alone--God bless thee
Then art thou safe forever.

--Author Unknown--

My special award from my special friend. LUV YA!!!

I adopted these little friends Angels from:

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