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Here is a picture of ME!!!!
by: Maverick

I'm the owner of a big ol' cat.
His belly shakes when he runs yep folks he's fat.
He aint really fat just big boned.
He watches the animal channel when he's home all alone.
Cats drink funny with there little cat lips...&
They like to get stoned off of fresh cat nip.
Cats make weird noises at night when people are asleep
And get down in their craw as if they're trying to speak.
Cats ears are neat they can fold back on their head.
Cats can sleep anywhere floor, sofa, or bed...

Another poem I found....

Cats keep their opinions to themselves
Cat's don't criticize your mother
Cats never question how much you're eating
Cats never claim they know how to fix larger appliances
Cats understand the importance of beauty sleep
Cats are happy to let you drive
Cats always look good first thing in the morning
One good purr can be worth a thousand words
Cats don't complain when you get a short haircut
Cats love it when you go shopping
Cats never return the gifts you get them
Cats are able to keep the romance alive

Here is a neat pic I picked up in my search for the ultimate Catnip Zone

This is for my Mommy since she likes Angels

This is me in my attack cat mode.

My favorite pastime.

Wonder where that mouse went.

Looky I got a crown cause I RULE!!!! MEOWWWWWWWW.
And this is my kingdom.

For all my brofurs and sisfurs click on to come to a real MEOWING site.

Things I like to do:

  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Roll on Catnip

Boo's Favorite Links

Cat Lover's Page
Great Place for Graphics

Visit my Mommy's Prayers Poems and Promises Page

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