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Afro-American Contributions to Science and Technology

The history of African Americans in the United States can be described in one word -- struggle. African Americans, through their sweat and tears, helped build the United States into one of the most powerful countries in the world.

African American contributions to science and technology must also be noted. Many of these black scientists, engineers, doctors, and chemists had to overcome the hurdle of racism that has been awaiting them around every corner as they persistently sought education. Once they obtained an education, these pioneers continued to overcome the social challenges and make remarkable breakthroughs in the field of science and technology.

This paper will focus on a portion of the many contributions African Americans have made to this country and how they have benefited or not benefited from these advances within their communities.

Contributors to the Field of Medicine

Daniel Williams Charles Drew

A Contributor to Agriculture Through Science

George Washington Carver

African Inventors

Granville Woods

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