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Achshav Pictures

Here are some pictures of our awesome members having fun at programs and conventions!!

Here we have our awesome council
board members Michelle and Rebecca
(yay Achshav!) with their other awesome
board members Emily and Liat @ BBG
Shabbat 1999!

Here we have our awesome N'siah Amy Rothman
having a blast at DZ night!

Michelle, Jamie, Shaina, Emily, and Rebecca before States at Council Convention 2000
Sam, Amy, and Hannah just having a blast at DZ night!

Jessica, Jessica and Rebecca acting like goof-balls
at Chapter Kallah!

Here we have a Picture of everyone having
a great time at Chapter Kallah 2000!!

Here we have our Sexy Pandas acting
crazy in their Pajamas at Kidnap 2000!

Here are Sam, Amy, and Rebecca Hanging out at Regional Kallah!

Chapter Spirit!!

Achshav Pandas Showig off their awesome new Chapter T-Shirts at Council Convention!


Jessica and Marisa are relaxing while the dinner they just made is cooking at Chapter Kallah.

Crazy Girls

Jessica, and Shaina acting like Goofballs at Kallah!