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Miguel was born in Mexico City in June 6, 1949. He went to elementary school, but he realized that school things weren't for him so he started to make calaveras, judas, and other kind of paper mache stuff and his father saw that he was really good on it so he support him by teaching some profesional secrets.
He has been an artist since he was a kid. He worked with his father, Pedro Linares, and he has his own talent. He has been invited to show his art to USA and Europe and to be very proud to be able to take mexican art to everywhere where is someone to want to know these great figures: the alebrijes.


Paula Linares

Paula Linares was born in San Felipe del progreso, Toluca, Estado de Mexico in January 25, 1951. She lived in her hometown until his father died. She didn't want to be like all women were in that place (all of them had to cook, to wash dishes, cleaning and all that house stuff). She wanted to be diferent, so one day she picked up all her stuff and she went to the city (Mexico D.F.) in order to get a job and to earn money. She lived with some relatives in Mexico, D.F. Then she could get a job as a seamstress in a factory. They lived near "Mercado Sonora" (Sonora Market, a very popular and important market in mexico city). She met Miguel Linares, who was her neighbor, and they got married and had three kids: Ricardo, Blanca and Elsa Linares.

Paula learned Miguel's art, since that time, Paula has worked with her housband, but she gets her own orders because she invented a diferent kind of "Piñata" called "Calabaza" (pumkin) for the day of the deads celebration. She makes her own pieces of art, she is specialist on making "Frida Khalo" calveras
(Frida Khalo who was the most famous mexican woman painter). She got a diferent style and she has won prizes of art in Mexico and USA. She has traveled with her husband and by herself as well.



Blanca was born in Mexico City in December 6, 1969. She has worked making paper mache stuff since she was a child and she still works in his father studio. She makes masks, calaveras, etc. She went to the university and she studied Medicine but she hasn't graduate.


Ricardo Linares

Ricardo was born in Mexico City in August 18, 1968. He was a very talent child. He makes alebrijes, calaveras, masks, judas, whatever his imagination and his talent let him create. He has participated in many exhibition around the world and he has contribiuted to his family art with something new, he has created a diferent kind of skull; they are skulls with escenes made by many little skelletons on top.


Elsa Linares

Elsa was born in november 23, 1978. Well, this is me, web master, ja, ja. I'm not really into my family art because i'm in college studying computer sistems eng., when i got extra time I help my father and I have gone with him to work and to give demonstrations of our art to USA and Europe. That's it!