My Good Will Hunting Site
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My Good Will Hunting Site

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Please be a kind person and tell me how my page is by signing my guestbook. Just don't put any advertisements in it. It's annoying and there's enough advertisements on this site as it is. Really.

I got a new guestbook cuz I was sick of my old one. It was a GuestWorld one and too many people have one of those, so here you can view my old guestbook: View my other guestbook

Here's my banner:
It was created by Richard P. Wilkins. Here's the link to his website so you can get your own free banner designed by him-His website

Here's my other websites: My Shakespeare in Love Site and
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since May 21, 1998. Don't you feel special?


name: E.T. (goes by "E.T. Guy")
Last seen: Saturday night, August 23, 1998
Last location seen: Some discount Chinese store in Chinatown in San Francisco
height: A few inches
age: 2 days on Aug. 23
description: gray coat with a gray hood that says "E.T." in the corner somewhere, white untied laces on the coat, loose string on his left hand, plastic face, plush body, arms are smaller than the one in the picture and point up instead of down
If you have any information, email me

Winner of the True Style Award, Good People's Choice, Carmi's Touch of Class Award, Artistic Reality Cool Reality Award, and the Best of the Planet Award

You can contact me in 3 different ways. You can obviously email me (if the link doesn't work, it's Or you can page me on ICQ. My ICQ number is 33400324. I don't have AOL, or and AOL email address, but I downloaded the AOL instant messenger, so you can page me on that too. My IM name is "raspswirl05". Feel free to ask me your questions or if you have any suggestions or whatever you want to tell me. I'll reply to you as soon as I can.

Finally updated on March 31, 2001