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Steps Theory..

Thing on the steps Theory.. In the final scene, Heather and Mike are running through the house searching for Josh. Apon inspection of the attic, there is a pile of "something" on the landing of the stairs. What is this pile of goodies?

Theory 1.)It clearly apears to be the flannel Josh wore when *sniff sniff* he was still alive. It looks tattered and mauled. Blair must have torn him apart here.

Theory 2.)Yes! Its Josh's flannel. But is this the place where he stayed to keep dry and warm when the Blair Witch possessed him? This is where Blair wanted Josh to lure the others into so she could go forth in her demonic plans.

Theory 3.)Your all mad, the thing on the landing has been there for a long time!!

Theory 4.)Paul Peterson -Maybe there was no Blair Witch, and Josh just plain got lost. While he was wondering around, he fell in a river or lake and got wet. Then, during the night, found the Parr house. If that night was cold, the wet flannel shirt would have made him even colder. So Josh took of his flannel shirt and left it by the stairs landing. Then he went up the stairs to see if there was anyone there that could help him. Then there are too possible endings to this theory

(a. He found someone living in the Parr house that could help him get out of the woods. Josh followed this person, forgetting or not wanting to take his flannel shirt and followed the person from the house, but they got lost and separated. Then Josh died or what have you.

(b. He didn't find anyone in the house, so left and forgot or didn't want to take his wet flannel shirt. He left the house and continued to wander the woods.

Theory 5.)Justin -I think this was Josh's shirt. He was sacrificed in the cellar the night before. Mary took the shirt upstairs to construct the stick bundle.