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Shortly after losing the map and getting into a scuffle witheachother, the three filmstudents walk apon a ton of, what Mike would like to call "Voodoo Shit!".

Theory 1.)Mike said at this point "No red-neck is this creative". Could he be wrong?

Theory 2.)Could Heather have planted ALL this stuff before they journeyed? (Confession Theory..)

Theory 3.)Good ole Blair gettin ready to kick some student ass!

Theory 4.)Christine -I have my own theory for the Stickmen in the trees... I heard somewhere that these figures were based on Runes and Pagan mythology... according to what I heard, the figures were put in the trees which have their roots in the earth and their branches in the air and therefore are representing two "planes' almost. The figures represent spirits, and when Heather takes one day (which Josh reveals later when he's yelling at her about her "motivation") the spirit is trapped in one world- obviously, the earth one.

Theory 5.)"Enter your name here" -I keep thinking about Mary's fence -it was made from sticks tied together and part of the fence was tied together with ripped cloth.

Theory 6.)Jarrod Zipperer -These are wooden 'dolls'; they floated down the stream after the children drowned in 6 inch water in the 1800s. Elly may have adopted it as her icon.

Theory 7.)Dee Carter -The man who killed the seven children in the 1940's was hung. If his ghost was doing the killings, perhaps the hanging stickmen represented his anger at his method of death.

Theory 8.)Diana - I know for a FACT. NO red-neck is that creative. Besides they ARE connected to Celtic mythology.

Theory 9.)Justin N Bumgardner -The twigs represent symbols that closely resemble celtic/pictish symbols that represent the transition from earth to the netherworld. In this case, the twigs represent the spirits of all those who are haunting the woods. Everyone who has been sacrificed in the woods, has his/her spirit still lingering. The children sacrificed by Rustin, for example, have made their voices heard. The next time people come across the twigy area, there will be three more twig symbols noticable than was recorded by the filmmaker's video.

Theory 10.)Brad Borsuk -Something not mentioned in the "Stickmen theories" is the fact that all have five points, and resemble pentagrams. Pentagrams are extremely common in witchcraft, and especially in summoning rituals. They are symbols of protection, and evil spirits cannot enter them. Generally, the witch will draw the pentagram on the ground, and remain inside of it while summoning evil spirits so as not to be killed by the spirit before it is sent to do the caster's bidding. Perhaps these stickmen serve a similar purpose.

Theory 11.)Angrypooka -Well, I kind of have a Twiggy theory. Is it possible that each Twiggy hanging in the trees represents a victim of the Witch (or fisherman, or whatever), and thus each murdered victim is thus the "property" of the killer (serial killers seem to have such an ideology--like that Dahmer fellow). When Heather takes one of them, she in effect tries to take what belongs to the Witch, setting them all up for the now-classic ending. Also, remember how the search party was killed in 1886 as well as the children--disembowled? Would not the Twiggy also be a representation of a victim being prepped for such a death? Notice that Twiggy characters appear to be human figures with wrists and ankles bound--what a better way for the Witch to exact her torture?

Theory 12.)Paul Peterson -It looks to me like the Twiggy figures are a Crucifix with an "X" on it. Looks quite evil to me!

theory 13.)F.M.Luder -I do not think that we should be concerned about what is in the bundle of twigs, but rather what the bundle of twigs represents. Personally, I think that it is his eyes, teeth, scalp etc. The bundle however, is the killer. I think that the bundle of sticks represents a broken twiggy. The twiggies in the trees represent the victims of the Blair witch, and those that died are transferred to piles of stones. When Heather received the bundle of twigs, she was receiving the confirmation that another victim had been claimed and that Josh's life energy, formerly signified by the twig man, is now broken and shattered, beyond repair. It was a very ominous message, and the remains of Josh in the middle are there to hammer home to everyone the pain that he went through. A witch, after taking his life, could probably imitate his voice anyway. God only knows what she is truly capable of.

Theory 14.)Cece -I've found that the twig symbol was a variated form of a massachusettes "heathenous" symbol. Originally the symbol was celtic, symbolizing the body, in spirit and physicality. And then the magestrates of Salem found this to be evil. Anyway, the twig is simply used as a "gateway" between physical power and spirtual power. It was used to make Robyn Weaver kill those men on coffin Rock, it was a gateway between the witch and Robyn. And it was a gateway between the witch and probably the real killer of the movie, Josh.