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Who Am I? My Biography

Robert B Cannon II

born 7 August

Robert Bruce Cannon II was born 7 August in Cumberland, Maryland.

What was going on in the World when i was born? In the US it was the flower-power "Summer of Love"; The Beatles released the "Sgt Pepper" album; Thurgood Marshall became the first African-American Supreme Court Justice; In South Africa, the first heart transplant surgery occurred; the Arab-Israeli 6 Day War was fought.

My Baptism. Centre Street United Methodist Church. 24 December 1967

I was baptised in the Centre Street United Methodist Church on Centre Street in Cumberland, Maryland. My godparents (sponsors)were John and Alberta Lindner, who were actually staunch Roman Catholics, pictured on the right. They well discharged their duties to ensure that I was instructed in the catholic faith.

Robert Bruce Cannon II and Rev Osborne


And so it was - 1969 - Woodstock, the Moon Landing, and the Beatles Abbey Road album. The dates of my children's births are 1989 (fall of the Berlin Wall), 1997 (the Internet is up and running at full-speed), 2000 (the new Millenium)and finally the surprise baby born in 2006 (history still being written). Much as my father says that he was born '8 days before Pearl Harbor was bombed', I tell my kids that I was born before we landed on the Moon.


I went to Columbia Street School in Cumberland; that was before neighborhood schools were closed and now practically everybody rides a bus.


I went to Allegany High School in Cumberland and graduated in 1985.


I entered the United States Air Force on 28 March 1986. Following BMT at Lackland AFB, Texas, I was attended Tech School at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi. After Tech School, I was assigned to the 1928th Communications Group at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida. I was a Ground Radio Operator/Information Systems Operator. My next duty station was 1936th Communications Squadron at Lajes AB, the Azores, Portugal. The Azores are a tiny archipeligo off the coast of Portugal. The US maintains a presence on this vitally important tiny island called the 'Crossroads of the Atlantic. I was honorably discharged from the Air Force on 20 Aug 1990.


At this time, I worked for Sacred Heart Hospital in Cumberland and was attending Allegany Community College.


1995 New York City

A trip to the Big Apple was exciting. From the crown of the Statue of Liberty, one can see for miles and miles. At the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, one could have his picture made with King Kong.

Robert B Cannon II

I graduated from Frostburg State University in 1995.

Robert and April Cannon

Me married? Having been co-workers for some years, we just 'hit it off'. I believe that she is my soul-mate. She totally grounds me and I would be lost without her!

June 2003 - Niagra Falls, Canada

Went to Niagra Falls for our Anniversary. Niagra Falls is incredible!

After serving with a Church of England-ordained priest in an Anglo-catholic parish, i spent an official year in discernment for Anglican priesthood - an event that resolved in the negative. That negative event knocked the wind out of my sails. Fortunately, Holy Spirit intervened with other plans with which i (at the time) did not agree and it took the negative recommendation (that i was 'too invested in Roman Catholicism and Psychology...'), the birth of a surprise baby, and cryptic dreams to bring me back on the right path. Much introspection and prayer, and spiritual direction, allowed me to realize that i had been placed on a much needed course correction into a trajectory of immense spiritual growth - even if through a dry valley of bitter cynicism. There is much that i have come to regret and have repudiated, especially the wild theological speculation on which i thrived. i really lost my'self' and became the archetypal liberal whose 'nothing is eternal or true' approach to scripture and theology caused me to descend into that intellectual self-righteousness which tends to collapse in upon itself and eat its own. i was a bitter, unhappy man floating on a sea of situational ethics and theology of my own making. Thankfully, with the birth of the 'suprise' baby at the start of my summer year (2006) a door was opened up to me and thus began the rebirth of wonder so long stifled under endless complexifications. This baby has taught me much, and much study, discussion, and spiritual direction has brought me back to that faith which says 'Credo' and has affirmed me deeply as a Man...i have walked the way of Cardinal Newman as an Anglican crossing the Tiber who has found completion in the Catholic Church. Regarding my Anglican-to-Catholic pilgrimage, i would repudiate nothing in my Anglican journey but my own stubbornness, the relentless need to be right while going over the cliff theologically and make amends to the many whom i have may have lead astray and those i have offended, and at-this-point, as a Catholic, a man redeemed, a man reborn onto new life, i simply rejoice in Christ’s guiding hand working slowly to form me into the best Man i can be – slowly as it goes but i finally accept obedience to the Authority and understand more fully my place in this world as a Daddy, a Spouse, and as a Man…and that becoming a Catholic has been the completion and right-ordering of my baptism many years ago Christmas Eve 1967…nothing that is good is rejected, all will be fulfilled.