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Why join the Catholic Church?

Jesus established the Catholic Church especially for you!

Really! He did! He set it up as your spiritual home, He provided it with everything you need, and Jesus wants you in it.
The Catholic Church is not an exclusive club that only certain people can join... it is meant for everyone that God created. That means you.
The Catholic Church is your guide through this life and into a new life with Jesus.
It guides you as the Pillar of Fire guided the Israelites when they escaped the bondage in Egypt. They had a guide they could trust and now so do you! Your guide is trustworthy because it teaches as Jesus taught. The Catholic Church is called the Pillar and Foundation of Truth... and thus it is.
Good Links
Catholic Answers is an excellent source of information about the Catholic Church.

Catholic City is another great source of authentic Catholic information.

This page is provided by Angelfire. Last updated August 18, 1998.