- Name: Kendra(she had no last name)
- Nickname(s): Pink Ranger, John Wayne
- Introduced in: What's My Line pt.1
- Died in: Becoming pt.1
- Killed by: Drusilla
- Age: unknown
- Raised in: Jamaica
- Resided in: Sunnydale,CA until she died
- Education: schooled by her watcher
- Family: given up as a child
- Calling: vampire slayer
- Watcher: Sam Zabutu
- Romance status: wasn't allowed to speak with boys
- Liked: Mr.Pointy, going by the rules
- Hated: vampires,nonconformity
- Personality traits: by-the-book, dedicated, learned
- Fears: none known
Kendra was played by Bianca Lawson.