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Each group consists of Four (4) "Star Words". These are words that are taken from the titles of movies. They are not complete titles - one word has been extracted per title. Your job is to guess what movie star is being referred to (i.e. What movie star starred in the 4 movies that have these 4 words in their titles) For example: "Beetle, Baby, Marrying and Radio" would refer to Alec Baldwin because he starred in Beetlejuice, She's Having a Baby, The Marrying Man and Talk Radio. Go ahead - try it out. Just click on the answer button to get the answers, and if you want more, just go to a new quiz!


1. Pump, Interview, Gleaming, Untamed

2. Don, Cry, Edward, Nick

3. Roof, Velvet, Shoe, Virginia

4. Cape, Bull, Midnight, Taxi

5. Hood, Revenge, Wolves, Field

6. Gentlemen, Terms, Paris, Widow

7. Dying, Darlings, Drugstore, Flamingo

8. Star, Harry, Burbs, Sweet

9.Brains, Lonely, Twist, Leap

10. House, Invisible, Cops, Shack



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