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Movie Answers

1.Charlie’s (Angels) in the outfield catching flies.
2.Don’t feel awkward, a lot of people will be coming (Home) alone
3.Almost every blonde looks pretty (Woman) in red.
4.Don’t freak out! You’ll be much better off (Dead) and collected.
5.With his leg in a cast and his arm in a sling (Blade) runner #14 managed to win the race.
6.Today’s speaker will discuss the plight of the black (Rain) man throughout history.
7.It’s time to go to Beverly Hills; (Cop) Land of the “Rich and Shallow”.
8.One day he called me while I was working, (Girl) interrupted a meeting and almost got me fired!
9.I’ve never seen blue (Steel) magnolias before!
10.There’s something about (Mary) Reilly I just don’t understand.
11.Things are starting to look pretty bad (Boys) on the side of the plaintiff.
12.It’s a well know fact that men in (Black) sheep’s clothing are wolves.
13.Use your brain, (Candy) man; try to have some sense!
14.Please tell Howard the (Duck) soup is delicious!
15.The doctor’s dream was shattered forever; (Young) Frankenstein made sure of that.
16.The second wives’ hell is the first wives’ (Club) paradise
17.In order to paint properly, first, (Blood) simple strokes must be used.
18.I told him I was American (Beauty) and the beast attacked me!
19.In a court of law, life becomes reason and death becomes (Her) alibi
20.The Tiger, George, and the Lion, (King) Ralph were the hit of the circus!