Too Many Hats
I’ve got too many hats
for just one little head.
Got a ski hat for winter,
and a night cap for bed.
Got a felt hat, a silk hat;
two or three cordoroy.
Even got one for when
I feel like a cowboy.
I wear my beret
to pretend I’m in France.
And my sombrero’s great
for a Mexican dance.
When I wear my top hat,
I feel like a magician.
My straw hat implies
I’m a country musician.
I’ve got too many hats,
everyone thinks I’m crazy.
Including my dad
and my big sister, Daisy.
They said my hats make me
act like a knit-wit.
So I went to a shrink,
and now none of them fit.
(C) 1998, Arden Davidson
I am trying to find a publisher or agent
to represent any or all of the stories and poems
in "A Pocketful of Rhymes".
If you know anyone that can help, or have comments,
please e-mail me.Thanks!