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My Teenage Years (Photo Album)

Geez, I can't believe I looked like this..what the hell was I thinking??

(Junior High)

Who the hell took this picture of me? DONT LAUGH! Four Eyes..Can't believe I looked like this. haha (Sophmore in High School)

I wore high water bell bottom jeans with my skate boarding sneakers. I was a big fan of Airwalks and Vans sneakers.\I went to Long Reach High. You wanna see my high school boyfriend too?

My first boyfriend back in High School..taiwanese boy. Parents nearly killed me for dating in high school.

One of my senior pictures. I took off my glasses for a reason. I didn't want to look like a dork even though I was one. Senior year...was when i started to get fat! I was Class of 2001

**** MORE PHOTOS MORE PHOTO STILL TO COME!..come back later..I gotta dig underneath my bed to look for some more****