updated 01/19/01

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Dead Letter Office will be performing live in the Montgomery College Planetaium on Saturday, May 19. For the planetarium homepage click here. The show begins at 8 PM and runs until 9 PM. THIS IS A FREE ALL AGES SHOW.


Yes it has been confirmed. The previously unreleased recordings from 1998 and 1999 are finally being compiled for the forthcoming compact disk, Liquid Left Eye. The date remains up in the air but you can look for it some time this summer. Tracks will include "Unspeak", "Centrifugal", "Liquid Left Eye", "Fallen", "Ghost Dance", "If I Could breath Light", "Last Things", "Stitch", and "Grafted". Extra tracks may or may not be included.


Well, DLO left people scratching their heads once again, this time at the Pie Zannos show in Annapolis. Although it was an abreviated set we still managed to convey our bizarre sense of gloom and gutteral beauty. Much thanks go out to Diablerie and Ashes Of Me for arranging the show. We didn't have time for the Misfits cover, but I'm sure we'll get to do it next time around.


After we left things apparently got out of hand. The club demanded an outrageous sum of money for using the venue and confiscated the equipment of the band arranging the show. In the end the police had to be called to recover the ripped off gear. What a way to do business! I don't reccomend booking shows there as they have no sound man and no PA, and they don't seem to advertise either...so what's the point, if they're just going to turn around and rip you?


Yes, it is true. Just when it seemed that DLO was down for the count we have risen once more. Several shows have come our way so we cannot deny fate. After a two year hiatus we have been getting opportunities thrown our way left and right so as of now Dead Letter Office is back on duty full time!

The Velvet Lounge show was a great kick start to the new era of Dead Letter Office morbidity. Johnny, they man behind the event, had this to say. "It was great to see so many new faces out there last night. We had alot of fun. Dead Letter Office put on a incredable show." It was a blast performing at the opening night of Vampyre Haven in their new location and we wish them the best. You can learn more about them here.

Also: Dead Letter Office doing soundtrack work?! Possibly. Stay tuned to find out when and where. In the meantime you can see what John has been up to for the last couple of years at his personal web site...click here to enter the madness.

In the merchandise department we are pleased to announce that Dead Letter Office stickers will be available soon. Simply send us an e-mail and we'll be happy to send one your way free of charge. For those who missed it we do still have copies of the Praying For Something New compilation. The Dead Letter Office track on this one is titled "Unspeak".

We also have copies of the DSBP Cybonetix 1999 compilation. This is an excellent cd with plenty of Elektro/Industrial talent. The Dead Letter Office track, titled "Ghost Dance", is previously unrleased. It has gotten rave reviews at live performances.

1 BIO-TEK - "Murderworld (Trylok Remix)"
2 CYDONIA - "Creed"
3 FRONTRUNNER - "Systems Busters (12"mix)"
4 FOCKEWOLF - "Visionary For Nothing (SMP remix)"
5 BIOPSY - "Straight Sign (straightshotremixx)"
6 THE AGGRESSION - "Diesel 1396"
7 INFRASTRUCTURE - "Vigilance"
9 FATAL BLAST WHIP - "The Better Poison"
10 SIDE 3 - "Groveling"
11 JOSHUA BOURKE - "I Dream To Find"
12 SMP - "You Got It Good"
13 FEARvLOATHINC - "Gintrap"
14 PRODUKT 13 - "Machines"
15 DEAD LETTER OFFICE - "Ghost Dance"
16 VOLITION - "Sacrifice"
17 NOXIOUS EMOTION - "Integral (demo)"
18 DIVERJE - "1999"

Dead Letter Office was featured in the Pop Quiz section of the Washington CityPaper web site. The interview was a lot of fun. Check it out.

Our show at the Montgomery College Planetarium was EXCELLENT!! We had a lot of fun. Listening to music in a planetarium with the stars above you is a totally different experience from your average concert.

There are still a few copies of the "Elektro-Discharge" compilation left. This is the first DSBP complition that Dead Letter Office was featured on. The song is called "Last Things". For more info go to our Releases page.

Email: dlo444@aol.com