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The Live Vibe

Dead Letter Office live is a little of this and a little of that. "We always like to try something new," says John. You'll see them trade off instruments from acoustic guitar to electric, from growling male vocals to angelic female vocals and even some spoken word thrown in.

"One of the coolest things we've done recently is added some live percussion. We took the flywheel from a 1965 Mustang and attached a contact mic to it. It has a very distinctive sound and it's a lot of fun to play," says Jennifer.

John adds, "We like to involve other musicians too. It gives the live songs more depth. When we have other musicians play live there is a lot of improvisation happening on stage."

Recently Dead Letter Office has been working a lot with Wendell Adkins the mastermind behind Foam Productions. His projects include Big Mouse (ambient soundscapes), FleshPulseFlesh (more aggressive dance, and Rumpus (a video incarnation of his music projects). Wendell adds all kinds of fascinating sounds to a Dead Letter Office live show. He uses everything from tape loops to samples and drum machines. He might provide an eerie howl, some birds chirping or some extra drum sounds. It's just one more layer added to the intricate live sound of Dead Letter Office.


Dead Letter Office has also played several live shows with thereminist Nic Stephans. In live performances she uses her theremin experience to add a whole new level to Dead Letter Office. Not only does the theremin contribute a new texture but it is also fascinating to watch someone play it.


The Theremin is an electronic musical instrument invented by Leon Theremin in 1919. The Theremin is the only instrument that you can play without touching. It's design is simple, a box with an antenna on one side and a volume control bar on the other. The theremin is controlled by the proximity of your right hand to its antenna. The closer your hand is to the antenna the higher the pitch. Move your hand far away and its tones go to a deep rumble. Meanwhile the left hand controls the volume by its proximity to the volume bar. When the hand is close to the bar the sound is quiet. When it is high above the bar the sound is loud. During Dead Letter Office shows and on recordings Nic puts her Theremin through an effects processor to get different moods for different songs. Sometimes the theremin sounds like wind, other times like whale songs or reving engines. What's great about the theremin is you can never be sure what will come out of it but you know it will sound cool.

For More Info on the Theremin

Past Performances

Dead Letter Office started performing with only two people in the live line-up.

John played bass, mixed the live sound and did some vocals. Jennifer played guitar and also did vocals. They left the numerous keyboard parts up to their trusty Korg.

However Dead Letter Office is now often seen with 3 or even four people in the live line-up. Thereminist Nic Stephans has played several shows as well as sample guru Wendell Adkins. More info about these live performers can be found at the Live Vibe part of this page.

To book Dead Letter Office e-mail us at or call 301-681-6297. Bands who would like to play shows with us should also e-mail or call.

DLO has played in many cool places

