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Site Credits

Thank you to...

Angelfire Pages for the cool web hosting.

Webjump for the web hosting and 25 megs of space.

Halo's Depeche Mode Page for some cool the information.

Depeche Mode Wallpapers for some cool downloads and wall papers.

Black Day for the nice pictures.

DM - T r i b u t e for cool icq skins

The Official Depeche Mode Page for the cool pics, and commercial.

Acme City for all the skins.

Napster for all the cool Mp3's.

Depeche for all the cool pics.

The Underground for the cool html codes and mp3's.

Freefind for the nice personal Search Engine.

Free Polls for the cool polls.

Magnus' Depeche Mode Page for the old pics.

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(note: The chatroom is not run by me and any complaints should not be filed against me)