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Dylan McDermott in The Cowboy Way

Dylan plays Stark the evil sweatshop operator in this cute action adventure with Kieffer Sutherland and Woody Harrelson. Expect to see Dylan's naked chest, Dylan with a beard, very sexy. I had a hard time believing he was evil. He just seemed like a guy being loyal and doing his job. He did seem a bit oversexed and greedy but that describes quite a few people we may know. My fave part of the movie is when these two hick cowboys from Arizona come to eat at the Waldorf Astoria hotel restaurant and while Kiefferis engrossed in his steak talking about strategy Woody is flirting shamelessly with the cellist across the room and even sticks a wine bottle on his tongue and starts wagging it around. Hilarious. Dylan's piecrcing blue eyes and sultry deep voice are just the ticket for cold wintry nights.
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This page updated February 28, 1999