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...Earth music of peace, tranquility, and spirituality for alternative healing...


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Music and MIDI   

Music - main music page

MIDI and MPEG3 Samples

Wind Walker - MIDI

Seer - MIDI

Through Eagle Eyes - MIDI

Through the Healing Door - MIDI

Mystic Waters - MIDI

Distant Realms - MIDI

Journey of the Ancients - MIDI


Prayers and Blessings

Prayers and Blessings

Peace Prayers


Pow Wow Photograohs

élan - yesterday and today photos

élan michaels - photography

Inspirational Items

Art - art by elan

Quotations and Thoughts

Native American Quotations


Graphics and Logos

 Ordering CDs

Order -to order CDs



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 A Great Cause

"Make-A-Wish FoundationTM of America"

A Great, Great Cause We Support

Note: We Are Not Affiliated with Make-A-Wish Foundation ; a trademark of "Make-A-Wish Foundation TM of America"

  MP3 Files

élan's music is now available in full-length MPEGs at: Music Freedom

elan michaels' HomeHomeRSAC Rated General Public



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Joseph Ross

élan michaels yesterday and today...

aging does not meld a wise man...wise men bloom from open minds~élan

elan michaels 1975

élan michaels in his "misspent" youth ca. - 1975


élan in the studio - ca.1987


elan michaels 1987

elan 1999 

élan - November 1999


élan and Diane's Photography


MPEG files of élan's music are now available at Music Freedom full-length CD versions - check them out!

Wind Walker, Seer, Through Eagle Eyes, Mystic Waters, Through the Healing Door, Distant Realms, Journey of the Ancients, and Afrika CDs are now available at



[élan michaels Home]




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MusicWorx Publishing and élan michaels are trademarks owned exclusively by MusicWorx Publishing, Inc.

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Page Last Updated 07/06/2006