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Performing Since:

Since July 2000

Casts you've been a member of or are still a member of:

Transylvanian Nipple Productions - Current

Transexual Misfits - Current

Cool Rocky Story:

>(1) I went to the Allentown Con and met Nell Campbell. (2) Since I was 16 and saw my first Rocky Horror movie at the TLA in S. Philly, I wanted to perform in a cast and play my favorite Rocky role which is Janet. But my life took a different turn and I played bass in a top 40 club band for 15 years. One day I was surfing the Net and stumbled upon TNP's home page. I couldn't believe that they actually were accepting applications to join the cast! I immediatly filled it out and sent it in. A week later I met the cast and the rest is history. They have made one of my dreams come true by allowing me to be a part of their wonderful cast. Everyone in both TNP and TM has been so nice to me. I will always be in debted to them and consider them my closest friends forever. Thanks! (3) My bra popped open last week during Damit-Shmanit-Janet. Heather got an eye-full. (hehe) >

Interests Outside of Rocky:

>(1) Education major @ Community College of Phila., (2) Spending time playing with my son. (I'm still a little kid at heart)


(1) You're never too old to have fun. (2) Before you jump into the frying pan, wear a condom. (3) You're never too old to learn new tricks. (4) Before you play Janet, make sure you tape your bra shut. (5) If it moves, duck it, if it don't, fuck it.
