- 231: The number 231 has universal significance. It is not that there is anything unique about the number itself. Any number could hold universal significance, 231 just happens to be the one. The significance of this number is that it tends to attract a high number of improbable events. Whenever something so phenomenally improbable that it is close to impossible occurs, you can bet the number 231 is at the heart of it.
- Chalice: The Chalice is the symbol of the Disciples of Christ, a tremendously liberal church denomination to which Wesley Brian Jamison (Wes) adheres- almost worships. For this reason, it is a feared and despised symbol to the group in question, and especially Girdwood, who hates Wes.
- Bruce Metzger: The foremost liberal Bible Scholar of the day.
- Rizzo the Rat: Daniel Corizzo earned this nickname from the Muppets character that his last name resembles.
- He can't be killed since he lives entirely off of the repetition of other's material: It is not at all uncommon in the universe for something to derive its life from another something. Parasites live almost entirely off of the nutrition of the host, for example. However, among this, the one known as Dan Corizzo is a phenomenon by himself. By deriving all of his substance WITHOUT alteration off of other sources, he cannot change his state, or deteriorate, in any way. He remains constantly in the same state, and cannot be truly be said to be alive. In this case he is spurting off quotations from the show "SouthPark."
- Dr. Matson: The most liberal Bible professor at Milligan College, Dr. Matson is disliked among this group, and especially by Joel, because of his liberal doctrine. As a side note, Wes virtually worships the guy.
- I Like Fish: This statement has come to symbolize total randomness in conversation, and is thusly quoted as an indication of the same. It had it’s origin when one of Girdwood’s friends spoke up during a conversation to say "I like fish," when it had nothing to do with the topic at hand.