Pictures of Carrington
This is a page dedicated to my daughter Carrington Nicole.
Carrington @ 5 mths
This is my daughter @ 5 mths of age. Isn't she precious. Her nick name is "CheekyPuff". Guess you can see that by looking at them cheeks:) gotta love her!
Carrington @ 1 yrs old
So hard to believe this bundle of joy is "1" already. They grow so fast. So my motto is enjoy them while they are young, because within a blink of a eye, they are toddlers, preteens, teenagers, young adult, and to the end adults. I will be adding more information later. This page is still underconstruction, so hang in there. In the meantime visit the other pages I have, and sign/view my guestbook thanks!
Cute Poem We Should Live By!!