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Pfc Franklin Joshua Krantz Jr

United States Army

w/"V" Device & 2 Oak Leaf Clusters

Award of the Bronze Star Medal to Private First Class Franklin Krantz, 218-50-4118, United States Army for Heroism in Ground Combat in the Republic of Vietnam on 11 April 1970.

Headquarters, 25th Infantry Division, APO San Francisco 96225
GENERAL ORDER #7266 4 June 1970
BRONZE STAR CITATION - First Oak Leaf Cluster
Award of the Bronze Star Medal for Heroism {First Oak Leaf Cluster} to Private First Class Franklin Krantz, 218-50-4118, United States Army for valorous actions in the Republic of Cambodia on 4 June 1970. During the course of the action he contributed immeasurably to the success of the mission and the defeat of the enemy force. His bravery, aggressiveness and devotion to duty are in keeping the the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, the 25th Infantry Division, and the United States Army.

BRONZE STAR MEDAL - Second Oak Leaf Cluster 11 June 1971
By Direction of the President The Bronze Star Medal {Second Oak Leaf Cluster} is presented posthumously to Corporal (then Private First Class) Franklin J. Krantz Jr. For distinguishing himself by outstanding meritorious service in connection with ground operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam during the period 18 December 1969 to 13 June 1970.

Jay Krantz, 2nd Row, 2nd from right

Pfc. Franklin Joshua Krantz, Jr June 13, 1970
Home On Leave -
Franklin J. Krantz Jr., RFD 3, is spending an 18-day leave at his home before leaving for a tour of duty in Vietnam. He has completed eight weeks of basic training at Fort Bragg, N.C., and nine weeks of advanced training at Fort Polk, La. The 1969 gradute of Thomas Johnson High School enlisted in the Regular Army in July and now has a rating of Pvt. E-2.

At Cu Chi -
Pfc. Franklin J. Krantz, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin J. Krantz, Frederick, is now stationed at Cu Chi, South Vietnam, after completing advanced Infantry training at Fort Polk, La. The 1969 graduate of Thomas Johnson High School completed basic training at Fort Bragg, N.C. His address is Pfc F.J. Krantz, Jr., 218-50-4118, Co. A, 1st Bn, 5th Inf., APO San Francisco, Calif 96225.

Awarded CI Badge
One of the Army badges that soldiers wear with special pride is the Combat Infantryman Badge. It has been awarded to Pfc. Franklin J. Krantz, Jr., in Vietnam.
Pfc. Krantz, son of Mrs. Doris E. Garling, 1510 Tollgate Road, Bel Air, is assigned as a rifleman with Company A, 1st Battalion of the 25th Infantry Division's 5th Infantry. The CIB has been awarded since late in World War II for sustained ground contact against an enemy.
Pfc. Krantz, whose father lives on RFD 3, entered the Army in July 1969 and completed basic training at Ft. Bragg, N.C. He was graduated from Governor Thomas Johnson High School, Frederick, Md., in 1969.

Pfc. Franklin J. Krantz, Jr. died in Vietnam June 13 from wounds received in action June 4. He was a member of Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry and had begun a one-year tour of duty in Vietnam last December. Jay, as he was known to his friends, enlisted in the Army in July, 1969, and completed his basic training as Fort Bragg, N.C. He received advanced training at Fort Polk, La. Born on Feb. 7, 1951 in Frederick, he was a son of Franklin J. Krantz, RFD 3, and Mrs. Ronald Garling, Bel Air. He was graduated from the Governor Thomas Johnson High School in 1969, and prior to his enlistment he resided with his father and stepmother, Mrs. Kathleen Putman Krantz. Surviving besides his father, mother are three sisters, Mrs. Susan Shafer, Miss Sandra Leigh Krantz who is his twin, both of Frederick, and Candace Carole of Bel Air; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Henry C.E. Krantz, Fredreick; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Carl Brinkman, Orlando, Fla., and one nephew, Steven Leslie Shafer, Frederick. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the M.R. Etchison and Son Funeral Home, 106 E. Church St. In lieu of flowers the family suggests that donations be made to the USO, c/o Post Inspector, Fort Detrick, Md., 21701.

Funeral services for Pfc. Franklin J. Krantz, Jr., who died June 13 in Vietnam of wounds received June 4, will be held Thursday at 11 a.m., at the M.R. Etchison Funeral Home, 106 E. Chuch St. Friends may call at the funeral home today and Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. The Rev. Francis Reinberger, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Chaplain Grover D. DeVault, Post Chaplain at Fort Detrick, will officiate. Interment will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Included as a survivor is Miss Dorothy Diane Garling, half-sister.

Largely attended funeral services for Pfc. Franklin J. Krantz Jr., who died in Vietnam June 13, 1970, were held at the M.R. Etchison and Son Fuenral Home, 106 E. Church St., Thursday at 11 a.m. The Rev. Francis Reinberger, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and Chaplain Grover D. DeVault, Post Chaplain at Fort Detrick, officiated. Full military honors were accorded Pfc. Krantz by the Fort Detrick Post Honor Guard with SP-5 Joseph McDonald, N.C.O.I.C., Bugler SP-5 Dan Olsen, Honor Guard, SP-5 Robert Gesink, SP-5 Ross Swenerton, SP-5 Dale Gallimore, SP-5 Steve Bratteng, SP-5 Terry Weaver, Sp-4 Wilson Weisert, and SP-5 Larry Pierce. Pallbearers were SP-5 John Elser, SP-4 Gene Bialas, SP-5 Everett Markway, SP-4 Glen Hummer, SP-4 James Christmann, and SP-4 Dennis Kalberg. Interment was in Mount Olivet Cemetery.

Department of the Army 02 Jul 1970
Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry
APO San Francisco 96385

I wish to express my deepest sympathy on the recent loss of your son, Private First Class Franklin J. Krantz, Jr., of Company A, 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry. He died in the service of his country in Tay Ninh Province, Republic of Vietnam.
On June 4, 1970, Franklin was with his unit on a reconnaissance mission approximately six miles south of Dau Tieng, Vietnam. At approximately 2:00pm, an enemy force was encountered and engaged. During the ensuing firefight Franklin sustained penetrating missle wounds to the chest, abdomen, left thigh and back. Medical personnel came quickly to his aid, and he was evacuated by helicopter to the 12th Evacuation Hospital at Cu Chi, being admitted at 4:05pm. On June 5 at 9:30am, his name was placed on the Special Category List. Complications developed and his condition worsened until, at 12:40pm, on June 8, he was placed on the Seriously Injured List. Despite intensive medical treatment, he expired due to the severity of his wounds at 3:30pm, on June 13.
Gerald M. Bonti, CPT, INF

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