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Hey everyone! Here you will find over 100 pictures I have found or been sent. Everytime I think there are no more Fuel pictures on the web, I find more, so check back often. I have lots of pictures that most people don't know about, so scroll all the way to the bottom, thats where most of them are. Enjoy!!

Here is every picture I can find without *stealing* anything off other fan sites :)
If you have a picture you'll let me put up, please send it to me ( I promise I will give you full credit for it. Thanx and be sure to check back soon!

Pics from the Fuel show April 2, 1999 at the 9:30 Club in Washinton DC

Official Pictures

Group looking down
Pictures from the "Shimmer" Single
BW Group shot
Small group pic
Blurry bw group pic
Fuel with Jesse Camp
Really awesome pic of the band

These pics were sent to me by Karen in Australia

The Band signing stuff
Brett 1
Brett 2
Brett 3
Kevin and Carl

These breathtaking pics were taken by my friend Robin. Thanks so much!
There is a very interesting story behind these pics...

Carl on a bike
Brett on the same bike
Brett Screamin'

These beautiful pictures were taken by my friend Krissy at the dc101 chili cookoff.
Brett playing
Brett into it
Jeff and Brett playing
Blurry pic of carl
Blurry pic of Jeff and Brett
Brett, Kevin and a bouncer
Blurry Jeff

These pictures and signatures were sent to me from Erica. She is a very, very, VERY nice person.
BW pic of Fuel w/brick wall
BW pic of Brett w/head in hand
Brett w/greenish hair
Jeff's signature
Carl's signature
Kevin's signature

The following pics are all from

Black and White pic of the group at a table
Black and White pic of Carl
Brett looking down
BW pic of Brett singing
Brett singing in a green shrit
Jeff playing
Brett crouching
Carl leaning backwards and playing
BW pic of Fuel on stage
Carl hiding behind a hat and sunglasses
Kevin playing
BW pic of Jeff
Kind of blurry pic of Brett
Carl and Brett with audience
Carl screaming!
Brett with audience
Brett with another audience
Bret w/audience giving peace sign
Fuel at the dc101 chili cookoff
Kevin and Jeff with Sony rep
BW pic of Brett looking up
Jeff and Brett before a show
Fuel, Local H, and Dee Snyder
Jeff with Scott from Local H
Kevin with an audience
Carl and Brett with an audience
Brett in the center with an audience
Brett making a weird face w/an audience
Brett looking kinda sad with an audience
Half of Brett and an audience
Carl looking odd, Brett, & an audience
Carl in cool pants, brett and an audience
Brett w/funky nails and an audience
Brett along the side w/an audience
Brett outside with an audience
Jeff with an audience
Jeff bending over and an audience
A reddish pic of Kevin
Brett without a face!

The following pics are all from, who I love dearly!

Really good BW pic of the band :)
Small pic of Brett
Brett doing an interview
Cute pic of Brett singing
Brett playing
Carl and Brett doing an interview
Carl doing interview
Carl playing
Kevin and Jeff
Small pic of Brett singing
Brett singing w/purple border
Brett and his nose ring

All of these awesome pics are from, which is a really kick ass site!

Carl from the side
Jeff in cool pants
Brett and Carl's head
Carl from the front
Jeff playing
Carl playing
Kevin playing

These pics are all from

Brett singing with his guitar
Carl and brett playing
Brett and Carl getting into it
Brett (taken from below)
Brett with red tint
Brett - head down
Brett singing hard
Brett singing and looking up
Brett singing with colored lights
Brett with pink face!
Brett screaming
Carl playing in blue shirt
Jeff jammin'
Jeff playing

These pictures are from when Fuel performed on Open Mike

Brett and Carl

Here are a few pics from a radio show for 94.9 Zeta

Brett playing
Kind of dark group shot
Brett again

These pics were taken at a radio show for Radio 104

Brett running
Kevin and the back of Brett
Funny picture of Fuel, Local H and Dee Snyder
A bunch of preformers, including Fuel (the allstars)
Some of the allstars

These pics are from

Brett's face
Carl's face
Jeff's face
Kevin's face

This pic is from K-Rock


These pics are from

Group pic
Launch banner of band

Here are a few pics from

Band in black
Small pic of Fuel's gold album!

This pic is from

Carl and Brett at interview

This set of pics is from the radio station The Quake 105.7,

Bunch of pics all together

This pic is from, the only station that really rocks!

Really tiny pic of Fuel at cookoff

This picture is from

Tiny pic of Brett

I found some absolutely amazing pics at, but the site is really over protective of them so I can't post them here directly.
Pictures from a show at the Electric Factory
Pictures from a show at TLA

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