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The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear

I awoke naked, by the shores of the great ocean, all memories of my past wiped clean from my mind. Around my neck, a medallion hung. As I held it up, I saw a castle in the distance surrounded in white mist, and protected by two dragons on each side of the great entrance. As hard as I tried, I could not bring to mind the meaning of this emblem. It was as if all my memories of yesteryear had turned into ghosts, dancing within my head, refusing to yield their secrets to me.

I walked for weeks along this shore and finally came upon a path leading into a dense forest. Not knowing why, I suddenly chose to follow it. The dense vegetation quickly drew in to each side as I walked deeper inland not knowing where I was going. After many days and nights, as the sun was setting late in the evening, I entered into a wide clearing that contained what were the forgotten remains of a village long since abandoned to the wild. The forest had grown inward and was swallowing the ancient village piece by piece. Finding a hove l near the center, I made a bed of straw and decided to remain for the night.

Upon rising the next morning, I decided to explore and quickly found items of use …a skinned flask for water, traveling bags to carry personal items and the like.. As I moved outward around the village, I found a clear stream and drank deeply from it. As I was rising, a hawk landed at my feet and for a moment I was stunned into a motionless poise. It cocked his head and gazed deeply into my eyes and remained still. After a moment , I noticed the hawk’s wing was injured. I slowly bent down to look closer, yet the hawk remained still. I saw then that a large bramble full of thorns was lodged among the feathers and I gently held the wing and removed it carefully. As it began to bleed, I looked around and noticed a bush nearby and instinctively, pulled some leaves from it and took them to the water. I then crushed the wet leaves over the injured wing and watched as a milky liquid fell into the wound. Standing back, I said to the hawk., go my friend and fly to your home and as if it could understand my words, he flew into the sky and disappeared far into the horizon. Later I gathered more of these leaves and put them into a dry pouch.. wondering how I had known they would be useful in healing…healing… Is that what I once was? A healer? Or had the Gods, in taking what memories I once had, felt pity upon me and had left me with a new gift?

After a few more days., I felt the urge to continue again and headed out upon the path I had chosen. Soon I came upon another deserted village and found to my amazement a fairly well preserved house. Much to my surprise.. I found clothes of fine quality within and quickly found some bright green robes that fit me to a T. Inscribed upon them was a symbol that I later learned was the symbol of the Green Caste. I also found notes and writings describing in detail the medicinal use of herbs and other plants.

That night as I sat under the stars, I realized that none of this was an accident. I had been chosen to follow in the footsteps of the Healing Caste.

And this was the Beginning,


The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light