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Darkness and Madness: Into the Belly of the Beast

Have you ever let your mind wander a bit, and loose track of events? Have you ever been listening to a conversation then realize at a certain point, you haven't really heard a word spoken? Some call it being in a daze. Whatever the condition is called, I was like that for months. I cannot remember where I went, who I conversed with, nor what my exact thoughts were at any given time.

I do remember finally coming to a place and meeting a slavegirl who calmed my soul. She was known to many as a girl with natural healing powers and the empathy to bring peace to those with pain. I began to teach her the Healing Arts and thought she would make a fine assistant. For the first time in ages, I allowed myself to hope for better things.

With her help, we settled down and created the first gorean Clinic, devoted to the healing of both mind and body. Not being a homestone, we had no citizens per say, but we were always crowded with friends and those in need. It was good to feel needed once more and slowly the walls of my own personal pain began to crumble. In time I ko-lared the girl for my own and my heart grew fond of her. Life was beginning to look up and I dared to believe in a future.

One warm evening after making love to her, she began to laugh and said "not bad, not bad at all". I felt chills as I heard these words.. they felt wrong in some undefinable way.. Then she told me it was not her at all, but a Master from another home who was with her in real life, unknown to me at the time. He then said, just a sec and I will put on your girl again, and as I struggled for breath, she took over the keyboard and tried to apologize, saying she had to obey him and was not allowed to warn me about what was going on.

So sacred an act, the making of love is to me..It is the deepest and most personal thing I can share. For me it is given in trust, from one heart to another. To violate this, was beyond my comprehension, beyond anything I had ever faced before in my life. He then proceeded to share this log with his friends, and anyone who was in search of a good chuckle I suppose.

Needless to say, and coming on the heels of my earlier madness, I snapped completely and went insane at this point. More time passed and if anything, it got worse.. I felt myself free-falling into a void of total despair. When I finally hit some kind of bottom, I decided to leave Gor altogether, and for my last act, I would make the pilgrimage to the Sardar Fairs, and give my farewells to those I knew from my life on Gor. Taranis the Healer would make his final journey.

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
Chapter 8~Symbols and Changes
Chapter 9~Darkness & Madness: The Slide into Oblivion
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 1: The Death of Two Healers
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 2: Living In The Shadow World
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 3: The Stream, the Lake, and the Cottage