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Be Careful What You Wish For

Part 3: The Stream, The Lake, and the Cottage

The trails were familiar once more, and I knew the paths well. After a noon-day lunch and brief rest, I gave thought to my direction realizing I did not wish to return to Tor, nor would the Fairs likely be going on at this time of year. I decided then, that Thentis will be my destination for now, and mentally tried to determine the best route. Unfortunately there was no direct path from my present position, as I would have to veer around the mountains to the north, or around the lowland swamps to my south. Neither choice afforded a direct route and I was impatient for the company of man by now. I decided on the southern route for no particular reason and set upon my journey anxious to cover as much distance as possible.

Two turnings of the sun brought me to the edge of the dangerous lowlands that sane men avoided at all costs. As I camped that night, I made a decision to cut through the marshes, and save myself weeks of travel in the process. I had survived years in the northern forests and felt if any man could make this dangerous passage, it would be I. Besides...... a new adventure is in order, and I was not in fear of anything nature could throw at me. The next morning, I set my direction by the rising sun and boldly walked into the marshes, never doubting my decision to do so.

As the days passed by, I was still confident of my abilities to traverse the ancient marshlands. The soggy and wet trail I forged had me wishing for dry land soon. In the evenings, as hard as I tried, I could not completely dry my boots and socks. My toes felt like pickled sleen snouts, and they smelled even worse. I climbed into trees that grew out of the bog at night, and made my camp from limbs fashioned with rope slings and twigs. I marveled at the strange wildlife and birds, home to this swamp. I was seeing many of these creatures for the first time, and found myself thankful I had chosen this route. I remember hearing tales of this part of the world.... tales of ghosts and demons, stories of madness and insanity that would befall all who entered. Strangely, I found an eerie peace to these lands. There was a harmony in the delicate balance of life around me. Only the lack of dry feet, kept me from the thought that one could live here indefinately.

I was grateful to reach high ground once again. Eight days I had walked in the soggy marsh, and upon my first evening on dry land, I built a hot fire and finally was able to dry my boots, socks and toes. As I took my sightings from the stars that night, I set course the following morning. I was in a forest now, but my senses were on guard constantly. I had lived in forests for ages, and I could tell this was not right...How does one explain that? Nothing seemed wrong on the surface but instinctively I felt I was being watched... I noticed a lack of normal sounds, and for some reason, the harmony I had felt in the marshlands was gone. All these things were ever so subtle, mind you. Taken together, they pointed to nothing obvious, but I had learned to trust my senses and I knew there was something amiss.

A few days passed as I traveled on. I slowly let my guard down as nothing materialized from my initial feelings. On the third day, a heavy misty fog rolled in during the late morning and it lasted the day. By the next morning it was still thick and I could not take bearings from the sun or the stars.. I did not wish to wait it out, as I needed to forage for game and food. The diffused light made it impossible to find the source of the sunlight, so I moved on, deciding I would correct my course when I could.

The fog persisted to the next day, and the next. Still, I moved on, knowing my canteen was almost empty and I needed a source of water soon. Almost as soon as the thought passed out of my mind, I came upon a stream. It was not a river, but it was a deep stream and the water was clear. I believed the stream would empty into the marshes so I gathered by following the source, I would move in the right direction. I was still lost and knew it. I had not come to the other side as I had planned, rather I believed I had veered off course to the south, and was in the forbidden lands still. My only good choice was to follow the stream and take each day as it came.

Later that afternoon the fog was burned off by the sun, allowing me to notice how lush the forest had grown. The deep emerald hues seemed calming as I continued my journey. Still, I did not recognize the surroundings and felt I had entered an area unvisited by man. As I climbed over a ridge, I saw the source of the stream at last. A large lake held my gaze. It was at least 7 miles across at it's center, and I knew now with a doubt, that no lake this size existed on the maps of this land. I also knew I was completely and hopelessly lost.

Walking the shoreline, I still found no sign of man. It was strange to be in a land so lush and fertile, yet devoid of human activity. Small game was plentiful and I ate well. I fashioned a rod out of a limb and caught these small, yet tasty fish. This lake must be spring-fed. I had waded a few streams starting from the lake, and the water was unnaturally blue and cold. It was at one of these streams that I stopped in mid stride and froze.

It was the scent of a wood fire that brought me to a halt. I could tell it was wood alone, and probably man-made. A fire in the forest embraces many scents.. green foliage, the lower musk of rotted vegatation, even the soil itself has an aroma distinct to itself. A wood fire was not a natural occurence in the forest. Feeling exposed, I quickly made my way to the edge of the woods and easily remembered the stealth I had learned from before. I circled what I believed was the source of the fire once... then again in a tighter pattern. As I gazed from behind a thicket of bush, I saw the unimaginable..

A small cottage made of logs, stood in a clearing not 40 paces away. Smoke was pouring from a brick chimney and there was more.. I detected the faint scent of warm bread, and my mouth began to water. A thousand questions rose in my mind.. I backed off into the forest and sat quietly, listing my options and trying to control my astonishment at what laid before me. I had seen no sign of man before this.. and here? in the middle of priest kings-know-where...Who would build such a home? It was well crafted, made with materials I had not seen available in this land.. The questions in my mind would not be silenced. There was only one way to answer them, I thought, rising to my feet.

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
Chapter 8~Symbols and Changes
Chapter 9~Darkness & Madness: The Slide into Oblivion
Chapter 10~Darkness & Madness: Into the Belly of the Beast
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 1: The Death of Two Healers
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 2: Living In The Shadow World