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New Gifts and Old Gifts

As the sounds of the great ocean receded from my senses, I found myself in a deep forest, walking along an ancient path. Hours turned into days, days into weeks, and still I moved onward in search of...?

Strange dreams came to me each night.. Dreams of War, dreams of Love, dreams of a distant past that I could only imagine to be my own. Now and again, fragments of scenes would appear in my mind, only to fade as quickly as they came.

One such fragment had me sitting around a table of Elders, writing words upon parchment. Perhaps in another life, I was a Scribe to a powerful House. Each glimpse of a distant past seemed to confuse rather than confirm my days before “The Awakening” (as I was beginning to call my mysterious appearance upon the shores of the Great Ocean.)

One dark, stormy night as I was sleeping beneath a large conifer, I awoke suddenly to a soft sound above me. As I opened my eyes, a distant bolt of lightning reflected into the eyes of a large poisonous snake crawling silently through the branches above me, obviously intent on making me his dinner. Without thinking, I quickly drew one of my silver daggers and threw it instinctively. As the snake fell upon my chest, I could see the dagger had pierced between the center of it’s eyes and clean through the brain of the dead beast. Once again, I thought to myself, where did this ability to impart death so easily come from and why?

Looking up into the stars, I silently asked the Priest Kings why I had been given the new gift of healing, and the old gift of death.. Silence was all the answer I would recieve that cold night , alone, and without purpose, deep within the forests of Gor.

The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
