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Shades of the Past & New Beginnings

I walked without reason, living each day as it came. Time and purpose faded from my path as I walked under the heavy forests of Gor. Even the dreams of my past slowly lifted, leaving my mind light and at peace.

One morning soon after the sun had dried the grass of the morning dew, I came upon a clearing. What seemed to be a new and more well-traveled path appeared, crossing the one I had been following. Stopping and standing still, I suddenly realized my heart was pounding and my senses were trying to tell me something I had yet to understand. In an instant, it came to me.. I knew this place! I had been here before!! Turning onto the new path to the right and running a few hundred yards, I came to a fork and knew the left fork led to an Inn. I began measured steps towards a new destiny not knowing what I would find, only hoping to find answers to secrets of my past and perhaps a key to my future.

As the afternoon wore on, I could tell the forest was thinning and signs of civilization were appearing. I walked even more quickly, knowing I had been this way many times before. With the sun beginning to set behind the trees, I came around a curve and saw the Inn before me. A sign hang upon the entrance..

“The Jeweled Quiva” was inscribed upon it and the name brought a flood of lost memories back into my consciousness. I let out a scream and fell to the ground, unable to move, overcome with the rush of faces and places I had been in my previous life.

The next thing I knew, it was dark and the stars were clear above me. Kneeling beside me were two girls from the tavern showing great concern in their faces for me. It was as if awakening from a remember the ship and the storm , to remember how I had been thrown overboard by a great wave and the deep sinking into the cold waters. To remember my life as a Scribe to the citizens of this Inn many many years ago, and my decision to leave , to journey in search of knowledge. To remember even earlier in my years when I was part of an elite guard to the Priest Kings. Overcome with these memories, I passed out once more. into the blackness of deep sleep.

When I next awoke, it was to the sounds of people speaking around me. merianna was looking into my eyes and whispered.. welcome home Master, we have missed you greatly. As I arose,. I was served a hearty breakfast and related my adventures over the years I had been gone. When the breakfast was done and she had gone off to perform her tasks, I sat back and smiled to myself... I was truly home again.

The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
