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History Repeats Itself

As I grew stronger in body and mind, I kept to myself the real reason I had left my home so long ago. Perhaps History would remain in the past, dead and buried as it should. I remember the warm spring morning when I set out from this Inn, looking back and vowing never to return. The in-fighting between Masters and slaves alike, the long absences of the Ubar over increasingly longer periods as time went by, the sheer lack of joy within these walls, these were the real truths to my flight. As the days moved by, and as much as I tried, I could not help thinking that nothing had truly changed. Regardless of these feelings, I held my head up, and smiled to all. I showed enthusiasm for the Inn and I even found and ko-lared a slave of powerful gifts and insight. As time went by, it became plain to A/all that the end was in closing in on us.

It was around this time that a small core of people within the Inn , including me and my slave, were determined to go on. and somehow, some way, build a new home from the ashes of this one. With the help of my slave, I built the Moonfire Clinic, a shelter for the safety of my friends, and a tribute to the Honor of my Caste.

In time, strong Warriors from within our group raised up the walls of Turia, and once again we began anew, a shared vision amongst us lighting the path ahead. The Home prospered and grew. I walked among Brothers and felt a great bond to all. My world, and my dreams were One.

I would still be there as I write these words, had not a series of events happened. Because of the respect I still have for the people involved, and an unwillingness to share affairs of the heart, I will not describe these events to you this night. Suffice to say, I knew I had to leave, and this time, never return. Honor would not allow me to ever set foot inside the walls of Turia again. I burned my furs, kissed the cheeks of my Brothers, released my slave to the protection of the city, stripped myself of all ranks and priviledges, and walked out of all I held dear to my heart.

As I journeyed down the familiar path and came to the doors of my beloved Moonfire Clinic, a rage of grief and sadness overcame me. I lit the high grasses around the Clinic, sat back upon my knees, and watched all I had created.....burn to the ground. As the night grew old, and the moons set behind the great trees, I stood up, and walked out into the forests, empty of heart, and devoid of feelings, a mere shadow of the man I had once been.

The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~ New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~ Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
