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The City of Dust

It was late afternoon of the 10th. day since I had been afoot. I stopped in my tracks and felt it first. The silence. Without ever really thinking about it, I knew the forests of Gor had always been alive with the sounds of life. The chattering of small creatures, the songs of the crickets, birds, and treefrogs had always been a musical background to the paths I had traveled......until now. The silence was so powerful and overbearing, I swore to myself, that I could hear the blood rushing through my veins deep within my body.

As I gazed about, I could see the changes around me..The colors were faded from the normally lush plants and trees. There was no wind to rustle the leaves underfoot. Even the sky above, was a drab gray.. devoid of color. Choosing my steps cautiously, I moved forward. With each step, the changes were more obvious and pronounced, as I wound my way through this lifeless area.

Like stepping from one room to another, I was suddenly out of the forest and gazing upon a large hill before me. It was surrounded by an iron gate that looked ancient and foreboding. I slowly made my way around the hill , following next to this massive gate.. It was of black iron and at least 20 feet tall, the posts over a foot in diameter, standing every 20 feet or so. After walking for a while, I came to what appeared to be an entrance of sorts.. The gate ended and then began again , leaving about a 30 foot opening with nothing barring the way inside. Above the opening. stretched a long iron plank with a massive wooden sign hanging from it. I recognized the ancient words inscribed upon the sign as that of the language of the Priest-Kings. Searching my memory, I remembered the words and silently said the name to myself....The City of Dust.

As I entered the City, I walked along a dirt path heading straight into the center of this forsaken land. Soon I came upon what I at first thought to be a statue.. As I approached, the statue turned to me and it was only a girl in a while gown. She lifted her sad eyes to me and said. “Hath thy entered as a Ghost Sire? Or are you in need of comfort?” I replied to her..” No one can help me anymore.. but I thank you for asking.” I asked her if the Dead are truly here and she pointed to the rise beyond where we stood. I nodded to her and began the slow climb .

Soon I was surrounded by tombs, many names I recognized from my days on Gor. Feeling unseen eyes upon me, I turned and felt my eyes lock onto a grave close by. As I walked up and read the inscription, I fell to my knees and sobbed. It was my Brother, Kam, who took his life while I was lost in the forests of Gor, trying to find my destiny. Time passed by swiftly as the day turned into night. I sat at his grave, thinking here too, is where my journey ends. I barely remember chewing on the herbs that mimic death in low dosage, then chewing more and more.. not caring anymore.. A cool breeze fell over me and suddenly I was not alone. I was sitting with my Brothers again. Ones that I had not seen in years. I was at peace for the first time since I left the ashes of the Moonfire Clinic behind me. I could see another sitting by himself apart from us. I asked my Brother why that stranger sits alone. He replied... tis you my Brother.. Your spirit is with us now. I knew the truth of his words as I watched in fascination as my own body begin to lean, then fall over to ground , lifeless and unmoving. Deep memories tried to shout out in alarm but the peace of where I was drowned them out. I felt the cool earth taking me down into her bosom, as my last thoughts faded from my mind.

So ends the journey of Taranis, and so it should... As the light faded from my view, I remembered all I had been and all I had done, all that I had accomplished and all that I had dreamed. Having no worth left to myself or anyone, I accepted my fate and died.

The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
