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The Awakening

Nothingness....then the faint sounds of a waterfall far in the distance. No sensations other than the growing musical noise of water cascading from great heights. Slowly the noise turns into the sounds of many voices growing distinct and louder. The feeling of being pulled upwards, as if from a deep well of darkness, overwhelms me and I am thrust into a symphony of people calling the name Taranis over and over again. Where have I heard that name before? Below me, I suddenly feel cold ghostly apparitions reaching for me, begging me to stay, calling out softly, “stay with us dear Brother, do not leave this island of peace. We have no need of the the Living” The feeling of being pulled from two directions is overwhelming. I remember only the comfort and quiet peace from where I was dragged, and slowly allow the arms of the Dead to surround me once again and draw me into the Endless Night. The words and sensations about me begin to fade, as I sink away from this troubled dream.

A sharp crack of sound, and the hard slap of a hand upon my face, pulls me stronger to the voices of the present and away from the whispers of the Dead. With each jolt of pain upon my cheek, I feel the world materializing and coming into focus about me.. I feel sensations of cold flesh enveloping my spirit and realize it is Mine. As my body and mind become my own , I remember my fate and where I am. “ me not!” I scream from my lungs.” Let me go back to the peace I have chosen”. Strong hands shake me violently and my eyes open to the face of One I have known and called Friend for many years. The voice of Kailee, Healer and Caste Sister, fills my head as she questions me as to how I came to be here and what poisons I had taken. Raving and ranting, I must have answered her questions for suddenly, she is tending to me, directing those around her and ordering me to Live. The last thing I remember as I lose consciousness and fade into a deep sleep, are the strong hands of many, lifting and carrying me from the grasses of my chosen grave, out of the City of Dust, and into the forests of Gor.

The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
