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Thentis, The City of Light

I awoke to the everyday noises of a vital and thriving city. The sounds of Men and Women speaking softly, the sounds of commerce being carried out, the sounds of slaves going about their chores, all of this and more, filling my ears as I laid upon soft furs, my eyes still closed. To all around me, I was still asleep.

When I felt no danger to me was near, I opened my eyes and slowly tested my body, moving each leg and arm to see if I was whole and uninjured. Rising slowly, with a splitting headache as my only obvious wound, I gazed about and saw many pairs of eyes turn to me.

As I looked about I could see I was in a large room, obviously in the home of a powerful Ubar, judging by the wealth, craftwork, and scores of devoted slaves in attendance. I heard words of command spoken by a familiar voice, and a slave was at my side offering water to my parched lips. As I sipped the precious fluid, my lips soundlessly asked..”where am I?” The slave backed away and the One named Kailee came to my side and whispered...You are in my home. This is Thentis.

Looking back into her soft eyes, I begged the question...Why? Why was I saved from a chosen fate and brought to this City? As my question was asked, many more came to mind. How did you know where I was? Why would strangers go out of their way and help one such as me as I am of no value to you or anyone. My emotions were raw and confused as I tried to hear her soft words as she explained. A mixture of anger at being denied my chosen fate, confusion and curiosity for the reasons I was saved and brought here, and a still lingering sadness and grief for all I had left behind, swirled about my head in these first few moments of consciousness.

She told me of the pleadings of a slave in distress , not knowing what to do, coming here for advice and help as she had watched me fall to the dirt within the City of Dust. Against my pleadings at the time, Kailee had saved my life , seeing a future for me that even I couldn’t sense at the time. She spoke of the needs of others who would benefit in time as my path crossed with their's. She offered me a home till I was well again, and most important... she told me my life had value and would not stand by and see me throw it away so easily.

As the days passed, I had thought those in the City would shun me, knowing if I had so little respect for myself, then I was not one worth knowing or caring for. To my amazement, I was treated with respect and kindness as I moved about the City. Even the Warriors of the High Council spoke with me and treated me as one of their own. Leo himself, offered his friendship and words of wisdom freely to me.

It was a few days into this “new awakening” that I realized something. This city was strong and vital! The inhabitants were good people of strong character and wisdom.. In all my years in Turia, I had never seen such pride and generosity of the spirit in so many Free people and slaves alike. I had always been at a loss as to why people courted discord and distruction in my old home.. I had always wished it could be as this City is. And there it was... the truth I had been looking for all these years. The need of a stable home and long friendships within. The feeling of being of worth to others. The knowing that my life has value and that in some small way, I will make a difference to someone on this earth. Fate had gathered me in Her Bosom and brought me to the City of Thentis.

As these thoughts sank in, a peace I had never truly felt came over me as I looked around and knew.... this time, I had found my heart’s desire for real..There would be no more wandering paths and sad farewells for me. Two days later, Leo offered me citizenship to the City and the job as Chief Medical Officer. I spent the next day thinking over my life’s travels and all that had come before me. The next evening., with a clear heart, and daring to believe in a future, I accepted and pledged my blood to Him and the Homestone of the City of Thentis. As I watched my blood fall upon the stone, I felt the pure clear light of knowing who I am, and where I belong, wash over me. The clear pure light of Thentis.. my Home.

The Story of Taranis

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
