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Symbols And Changes

The years passed by quickly. I learned the trade of my caste well and lived in joy. I was mentored by the finest Healers in the Land and took a slavegirl for my own and trained her as my assistant. My heart was peaceful and I had all I could ask for.

Wise men know that time doesn't stand still, and changes, good or bad, are bound to come to all of us. I suppose I knew this would happen, but why dwell on an uncertain future when the present was so fullfilling.

In time those I considered friends, moved on or died, and Thentis changed around me. Even Leo himself began to drift away and was seldom seen. It was at this time that my closest friend, Myrdin, the First Sword of the Home, began speaking of leaving. He was concerned that the home was changing and that leadership was lacking.

I began to question my vows. We pledge to a homestone, but isn't that only a symbol in itself? Isn't the heart of the home the people who make up the home? And once those people are gone, what have I pledged to? A rock? A stone that only symbolizes the echos of a past long gone? I was troubled and gave much thought to these matters and in the end I decided I would leave with my friend when the time was right.

I took a trip to the country for a week and when I returned, I found my best friend had left the home during my absence. It was then that I decided to revoke my vows and find a new path for myself.

Finding Myrdin, I helped him build a new home, the City of Tor. For the longest time, there was only Myrdin, myself, and a Free Woman who I had met shortly before I left Thentis. Still, these were joyous times. We were committed to making this our new home and were proud of the home, knowing quality, not quantity is the goal for our new homestone.

Once established and committed, I turned to the woman I had known and asked her to become my Free Companion. Little did I know, the darkest days of my life were soon to come.

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
Chapter 9~Darkness & Madness: The Slide into Oblivion
Chapter 10~Darkness & Madness: Into the Belly of the Beast
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 1: The Death of Two Healers
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 2: Living In The Shadow World
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 3: The Stream, the Lake, and the Cottage