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Darkness and Madness: The Slide Into Oblivion

The names of the Free Woman and slave will not be mentioned in this account. Both of them no longer are part of Gor to my knowledge, and if they are, perhaps they have changed as people and deserve to let the past lie sleeping.

The Ceremony was held on an island, attended mostly by her friends from her old home, and a few of mine. It was a beautiful ceremony and I was at peace. Afterwards, when the guests came to us with gifts, her old Ubar presented a strange gift which left me uneasy. Perhaps I was getting a glimpse of the future right then..

He gave to my new Free Companion, a boy whom she had known from her old home. Up to this point, I had only heard his name casually mentioned and had no idea there was anything other than a friendship between the two. I thanked him and didnt say anything at the time, still happy from the Ceremony and in a joyous mood.

We made love upon the sands of the island that night, and looked forward to building a life in Tor. How was I to know, that it would be the last night of happiness for me for ages to come. The next day, an old friend came to me, troubled in spirit and sat with me. He was reluctant to speak but finally told me of a rumor that his slave had heard that very day.

He spoke of a boy who was bragging how he had been making love to his Mistress while her new FC was furring with her at the same time, bragging how they were sharing and laughing at the logs she was sharing with him during this time. Time stopped as I listened to these words, wanting to believe they were false, but still feeling terror that this could be happening to me in the midst of my happiness.

In the days to follow, even old enemies of mine came to me with stories they felt I should hear, not trying to be mean, or take vengence, but concerned that the events are of such a nature that Gor itself, suffers from such deeds. Tales of a slaveboy bragging that his Mistress needs him because her Companion is less than a man. Tales of the same boy speaking about being with her in real time, watching over her shoulder as words I say, meant for her ears alone, are being spied upon and laughed at.

To understand how bad this was, one must also look at the climate of Gor in these days. Boy slaves were rare and in most cases hated outright. The only women who owned any were often considered BDSM dommes who only used gor as a tool to obtain new flesh. Even Free Woman were rare in those days. Old gorean values were still set in stone, and the changes to come, were only in the beginning stages.

I finally confronted my Companion with these facts and she brushed them aside, saying her boy would never do such a thing. Finally logs were gathered and she was confronted with hard evidence of his deeds. She pretended to be upset but I knew from the way she acted, she had known all along.

How to describe how I felt during all of this? No words come to mind that even begin to say it right.. Madness, rage, insanity, aloneness, betrayal, hatred, heartbroken.. all these words are but shadows of the way I truly felt. In the end, I tore up the contract, wanted to kill the boy but couldn't because of my vows as a Healer, and left Tor as well.

Tor.. during all of this madness, I was also having conflicts with Myrdin over the direction of Tor, and since my Companion was staying in Tor, I knew I had to leave. My first thought was to return to the City of Dust, but I had been there before, and this time, I had to go away for a long time, alone, and find a path out of the darkness and madness of my mind.

The Home of Taranis
Chapter 1~The Dancing Ghosts of Yesteryear
Chapter 2~New Gifts and Old Gifts
Chapter 3~Shades of the Past & New Beginnings
Chapter 4~History Repeats Itself
Chapter 5~The City of Dust
Chapter 6~The Awakening
Chapter 7~Thentis, The City of Light
Chapter 8~Symbols and Changes
Chapter 10~Darkness & Madness: Into the Belly of the Beast
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 1: The Death of Two Healers
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 2: Living In The Shadow World
Chapter 11~"Be Careful What You Wish For" Part 3: The Stream, the Lake, and the Cottage