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A response to a fight between Wiccans & Christians
While it's true that Wicca can barely be traced to any sort druidic practices and that many books by self-proclaimed Wiccans allow for individual variations, it's hardly the only religion that meets that characterization. The Christian Bible has been translated so many times, so many ways, that's is difficult for anyone who can't read the original language to get an exact copy of the text. Even then, the lack of vowels in the Old Testament makes things confusing. Then add that there are several versions of the stories (such as some discrepencies between the 4 gospels), the fact that many of the stories are based on older legends (the creation & the flood stories being based upon Mesopotamian legends for instance), and the fact that the texts selected as canon were selected well after they were written. And throw in a few medieval typos (copyos) such as Moses comming down from Mt.Sinai "in horns" instead of "in lights" (there's a famous sculpture depicting this somewhere). Hardly the original word of God, I'd say.

Then you have a gazillion different branches of Christianity each doing there own thing and most of them claiming to be the correct interrpretation, they're no more authentic than Wiccans.

But, that's missing the point. The point of religion (in my opinion) is not its authenticity, or how sensible you find its practicioners. It is the meaning that the faithful derive from the teachings. The morality, the hope, the purpose in life, the inspiration for art, whatever. True, religion has also inspired some rather horrible things, but the tendancy for conflict is something we have to learn to deal with as a world society, and I can not think of any religion that does not have the well being of people at its core.

< /sermon >

the geometric terror
devout atheist, well versed in Catholicism and some forms of neopaganism, and thinks they're all beautiful

Open Season On Lawn Deer

I hate lawndeer. They're my least favourite kind of lawn ornament, worse than gnomes, pink flamingos, plastic pin-wheel daisies, or those racist latntren guys. The worst are the wicker ones, that are supposed to look snow-covered for Christmas, so the spray-paint them white and cover them with glitter. They sit there on the cold, green, snowless ground, under the blinking multi-coloured lights, silently mocking me. I just want to get a hat with ear flaps, a neon orange vest, and a rifle AND SHOOT THE LITTLE BASTARDS!!! But I won't kill them then, no, I won't let them off that easy. I'll just wound them, shoot their hind legs so they can't run away. Then I'll bash their snide little heads in with the butt of my gun. When the owners step out of their houses, on their to their porches, and start screaming about "what the hell [am I] doing" and calling the police, I'll saw off my souvenir antlers and march off in the style of an expansionist-era Britsh elephant-hunter, off to the next one...

Blinkng text is extreamly obnoxious.I've heard it refered to as a pseudo goth site staple, much as the red blood dripping bar or spinning skulls. I don't know if its that bad, and I don't lke critzing other sites either (I always check to see if my site is on the cheeziest goth site list), but blinking text is impossible to read. By definition, once you've beganto read it, its gone! especially when the font is small, single spaced, with no distinguishing punctuation. Links are harder to click on because, at least on some sites, you must click the link as soon as it appears, rather than hit the place where the link would be were it there. Ummm, let me make this alittle longer. Isn't that a cool graphic above this? Well I think it is. Please excuse any missing "i"s on this paragraph, as the "i" key doesn't seem to be functioning terribly well. hmm, is this bad enough to make my point yet? What the hell is with that little hard return space up there? Is that on your browser too or just mine? I hate the fact that different browsers show things differently.