Chapter 11: New Home Sweet Home.

It took Jenn three days to settle in. Her and Amy were getting along great, they had hit it off ‘So well’ Aunt Cathy had remarked to Claire on a Sunday when she had called to check up on her daughter. Jenn had thought the same thing, her and Amy spent all day together, neither had a car, because Jenn had left hers back in Maryland and Amy was to young to drive. So they spent their days at the pool that the development had put up. The people seemed a little stuck up for both Amy and Jenn, so they mostly stuck to each other, but a couple of guys did try to talk to them, saying that their dad was getting them both into Harvard. And another guy that was Amy’s age told her that his dad would get him a new beemer for his girlfriend, if he should get one, and Amy turned him down. Jenn had never seen a boy THAT embarrassed at that moment.

Jenn got used to the mostly take home deliveries that were dinners that they ate alone. She also had to get use to hearing either Hanson, or REALLY old Moffatts music coming from Amy’s room.

"C’mom Amy, get up! It’s like wayy past noon and I’m bored." Jenn said like a child. On Thursday afternoon, she could tell that Amy was still tired form the sun that they both got yesterday, she was all red. Jenn hardly ever burned after the summer she had.

"I’ve been up, I was just trying not to move, it hurts too much TO move." Amy replied staring at her walls.

Jenn looked at the wall with the Moffatts pictures, there seemed to be some recent ones of them that Jenn liked. "Which one isn’t a part of the triplets?" Jenn asked still amazed by the pictures, "Is it the goofy looking one right there?" She asked as Amy laughed.

"No, that’s Dave, he’s one of the triplets, see, Clint and Bob, they are the identical twins and then Dave was just the third wheel, that’s why he doesn’t look exactly like Clint and Bob, and the only one left is Scott…" Amy explained, getting a dreamy look on her face.

"Thanks for the birth analysis, I think… Well anyway…..How old are they?" Jenn asked with an evil grin.

"Too young for you, Scott’s 15 and the trips, that’s what I call them, they are 14. So I can take a guess at that look, but you can’t do whatever you’re thinking." Amy said giggling.

"Well they are fine, so fine that I’m spelling it F-Y-N-E!!" Jenn said, almost drooling.

Amy was laughing and said, "You know it would be illegal what you are thinking."

"If anyone finds out ya, but you know, keep it on the DL."

"Ya the Down Low." Amy said nodding as they both laughed hysterically.

"Plus they can’t put me in jail for dreamin’!" Jenn said as Amy looked like she was in pain, "Are you OK?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah, I’m just laughing so hard my skin hurts." She said smiling.

"Hey I’ll get some aloe, that makes it feel better." Jenn said leaving the room.

After Amy had showered and Jenn had applied the Aloe on Amy’s back they went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"So you woke me up to tell me anything important……?" Amy asked, popping a frozen pizza in the oven, they ate one everyday.

"No, I just was going nuts looking at my pictures of Sara, the scenery and Hanson." Jenn said, taking a seat at the small island at the center of the kitchen. Amy planted herself across from Jenn.

"You got pictures of the guys?" Amy demanded.

"Yeah, Sara didn’t tell you about the museum and dinner?" Jenn asked.

"She told me yes, but she didn’t say you took PICTURES!!!"

"No, I am a photographer, but I didn’t take any picture of the most freakin’ photogenic people in the world." Jenn said getting up. "I’ll be right back, I’ll get them so you can see them."

"Wow, Jenn these are great, you are really good." Amy remarked looking at the pictures.

"Well like I said, they are all very photogenic, especially Taylor, I thought he was gonna yell at me if I didn’t take five of him." Jenn said, remembering how annoying he was.

"Well he’s used to the camera pointed I his direction…" Amy trailed off as the oven buzzer went off.

"You are like too perfect." Jenn muttered aloud to Amy as she cut the pizza.


"Well look at the house you live in and you are always in your favorite color, blue or, silver and you can do anything, that’s what I call perfect." Jenn remarked.

"I’m too tall! I’m 5’8, that’s huge for my age!" Amy whined, eating a slice of pizza.

"You’re 5’8? Cool, that means I grew over the summer." Jenn said smiling with a mouthful of pizza.

"Ew that’s nasty." Amy remarked laughing.

"What?" Jenn said with a smirk. "But really, you would be a great model, then I won’t have to pay for one when I have finals…."

"What are we gonna do today Brain?" Amy interrupted sounding like Pinky from the cartoon Pinky and the Brain.

"The same thing we do everyday Pinky……. Try to take over the world!" Jenn said trying to sound like Brain, she put on this demented look on her face and stared at Amy.

"Narf." Amy replied acting silly, shoving the rest of her pizza in her mouth at once. Jenn was still staring, but after that display of idiocy they both broke down into plies of giggles.

"OK, I want to go swimming again." Jenn said after they had stopped laughing, which took a while, because Amy almost choked on the pizza.

"Well you can go, and I’ll come, but I won’t swim."

"Eh, then that’s OK, I’ll stay home today. Hey there goes the mail man, wonder if my schedule is in it." Jenn said seeing the mail car speed by.

"Go get it, if I got outside I think I’ll ignite, because my skin is so hot." Amy said giggling, "I’ll clean up here."

"OK." Jenn said getting up. In the mail there was two envelopes addressed to her, her schedule and then the other was from the Court of Memphis Tennessee. She first opened her schedule and noticed it looked like her freshman year of high school. They enrolled her with mostly general classes and then her photography classes.

"What you get?"

"I’m not really sure…..1-2-3-4-5 zeros! I got 600,000 DOLLARS!!" Jenn screamed with her eyes wide.

"HUH? How’d you get all that money?" Amy demanded, amazed.

"Grandma Kellis, my dad’s mom gave it too me, she died last month…. Wow, I ‘member her, she was cool… Why am I just being told about this? My dad is such an ass, he didn’t even tell me about this!" Jenn said, her eyes glowing anger.

Amy was a little frightened by this, but tried to be cheerful, she said "So what you gonna buy me with all this money?" She got the reaction that she was hoping; a smile peered at Jenns lips. Man, she has some wild mood swings. Amy thought.

"You? HA! I’m buying me a car." Jenn said laughing. She picked both the letters up and took them to her room, and placed them carefully on her nightstand, next to a little book.

"What’s this?" Amy said in a taunting voice, picking up the book.

"My phone book…" Jenn said walking back out of the room.

Chapter 12