Chapter 12: Bored Much?

"Do it! I dared you too!" Amy said two hours later, they had started a game of truth or dare. "You made me eat chocolate, bananas, pickles, sour cream and a CHERRY, now call him." Amy continued shoving the cordless phone in Jenn’s face.

"That was pretty funny, I’m glad I got a picture of that." Jenn said giggling.

"CALL!! NO! Wait, tell me about him." Amy said looking at the picture in the photo album.

"OK, Gary, I’ve known him forever, when I was six he tried to kill me, or so I say, we were swimming at a pool party or something and as I was swimming out from under the diving board after I had jumped off from it, he jumped on top of me, till this day I still say he tried to kill me, at first he would apologize, but now he’s like ‘Yeah, I know, I’m planing your demise as we speak.’ He’s my best friend, he’s the only one that knows about the Hanson stuff…" Jenn said with a dreamy smile on her face.

"Go on…." Amy said waving her arms around wanting to hear the whole story.

"OK, sheesh, I was getting to that part. In my sophmore year of high school my ex-friend Rachel tried to get us two to go out, but I liked his friend Josh, who I dated two years and broke up with him this year because he was screwing Rachel….. Gary has always been there." Jenn paused.

"And why didn’t you hook up?" Amy asked, a little bit confused.

"Because at the time I didn’t like him and plus I didn’t want to ruin the close relationship that we have together, we been so close, so long, so why tell him? He thinks I like Ike!" Jenn said tossing the phone around in her hands.

"Well it is Ike or Gary" Amy asked opening the phone book.

"Ike’s out in Tulsa and Gary is all the way over in Maryland, so why should I try a long distance relationship" Jenn said still tossing the phone.

"OK then you are calling Ike."

"OH NO I’M NOT!!" Jenn said dropping the phone.

"Then I’ll call him and tell him that you want Tay’s body!" Amy said laughing.

"Yeah right, that’s Ike’s cell phone so Tay wouldn’t pick it up." Jenn said matter-of-faculty, turning on the CD Wonderful World by the Moffatts.

"You seem to like that CD a lot…" Amy said dialing the phone.

"Eh, they seem to make country a little bit more bearable…." She said as Amy shoved the phone in Jenn’s face. "You are so dead…"

"Hello?" A deep voice interrupted Jenn’s meandering.

"Um, hi, is Ike there?" Jenn said nervously.

"Speaking, may I ask who this is?" Isaac said confused.

"Yeah, hold on a minute……. Amy talk to him! I dunno what to say." Jenn said thrusting the phone into Amy’s face.

"Sheesh! BABY!" Amy mouthed to Jenn and took the phone from Jenns grasp.

"Hello? Isaac Hanson? Well I don’t know if you remember my cousin, who is to scared to talk to you at the moment……"


"She’s Jennifer….. She’s from DC…. You do remember her…. Yes she is a sissy and shoved the phone in my face…"

"I AM NOT!!!" Jenn shouted and ripped the phone from Amy’s ear. "Hi, Ike, how ya been?" She said warmly into the phone.

"Well we are still on tour, we’re doing a show tonight, you caught me at a good time, we just finished sound check…. Ouch." Isaac said.

"What happened?" Jenn asked.

"Oh nothing, Avie kicked me cause I won’t let her talk to you." He replied, chuckling a little, "So how have you been?" He asked still a little confused on this situation.

"Well after summer in Ocean City I am now out in California getting ready for school. Let me talk to Avie." Jenn said hearing Avie say "Mom, Ikey won’t let me talk to Jenn!"

"Aw Ikey, come on!" Jenn said laughing.

"Shut upppp!" He said laughing also.

"Hi Jenny how are you?" Avery’s little voice said over the phone line.

"I’m OK, have you been staying next to your moma?" Jenn playfully asked.

She heard Avery giggle, "Nooooo…"

"Well that’s not good…."

"I’ve been staying next to Ikey, Tay, Zac and daddy and Jessie." She said laughing.

"Well you better stay out of trouble." Jenn said.

"Who are you? My mom?" A deep voice asked.

"Hey where’d Avie go? And I think you need a spanking mister." Jenn said laughing.

"Well mom called for Avie and I might enjoy that is you did it….." Isaac said trailing off.

"Well sorry, aint gonna happen.." Jenn said, "Well depends how much you would pay me…" Jenn continued with a smile looking at Amy who was grinning.

"Let me talk to him." She mouthed.

"No." Jenn mouthed back.

"Well OK, but you are the one that said it, not meeeeeeee." Isaac said laughing.

"Eh, slipped….. No." Jenn said again shooting down Amy’s hopes.

"No what?"

"HI ISAAC!" Amy said, yanking the phone from Jenn.

"Uh, hi. Who is this?" He asked confused.

"This is Amy, Jenn’s cousin, so how’s everything, what’s up with you, Zac, and Taylor? Y'all having fun?" Amy demanded, excited that she was talking to Hanson.

"Well you want to talk to Tay? He’s right here." Isaac said, hearing his mother call.

"Yeah." She said, giggling.

"Um….. Hello?" Taylor said, confused at why Isaac had thrust his cell phone into his hands.

"Hi Taylor, this is Amy, I’m Jenn’s cousin, remember her?"

"Hummm… Jenn…. She had a sister named Sara that loves Zac right?"

"Yeah that’s her. She likes Zac, then I figure she would call you guys…."

"She does, but Zac hangs up on her when she does!" Taylor said laughing.

"Well that’s mean…. Did you know the guys hang up on Sara when she calls them they hang up on her whenever she calls them?" Amy said to Jenn who was munching on some chips.

"She calls them? I didn’t know that…." Jenn mumbled, "I would hang up on her too, but she’s my step sister." Jenn continued.

"You are so mean." Amy said looking at Jenn.

"She never shuts up!" Jenn and Taylor said at the same time, which made Amy laugh.

"What?" Again they both said in unison.

"Nevermind…." Amy said shaking her head. Amy continued to talk with Taylor as Jenn closed her eyes, the last thing she saw was the picture of her and Gary together on the beach.



She remembered that day vividly. "That’s not who I think it is, it?" She heard Gary say as she gave the ticket to a little boys’ mother, he had just got his picture taken while he was playing in the sand.

"I was going to say the same thing about you," She said, holding up her hands so she could sit with him on the floodwall.

He helped her up saying, "Why are you here?"

"Long story, and I don’t even know where to begin." She said sighing.

"That bad huh?" Gary said, pushing her playfully.

"Yeah it is. It’s pathetic." She said sighing, but playfully pushed him back.

"Well you want to talk about it at dinner? The guys I’m with just came out of the store."

"Yeah, sure, you remember where my Aunt Julie is at right?"

"Yeah, 13th street right?"

"Ya so why you here?" She asked as they both watched the group of guy’s walk into another store.

"Well, Steve is 16 now, failed his driving test, so he’s moping around about that, and Kallie turned 12 back in June so she wants to go everywhere and they both were driving me up the wall, so I came here. I’ll be at your house at 8, OK?" Gary said jumping off the wall.

"Yeah." Jenn said sighing, he looked so good in his cargo shorts and with his shirt tucked in the back of his shorts, like a football player would do with a towel.

Chapter 13