Chapter 13: Plan A.

"Is Ike like out of hearing distance?" Amy asked Taylor as she walked out of her room, where Jenn was sleeping peacefully.

"Yeah, I’m not sure where he is, why?" Taylor asked confused.

"Well I think that we should try and get Jenn and Ike together, she likes him ya know." Amy said, unveiling her plan to Taylor.

"Well I dunno, I think that Ike still likes her, but mom’s been trying to get him out of the house, with other girls, she’s trying to keep us normal. Jenn has hurt him more than I think that anyone realizes, he gets all weirded out when mom does it, but I don’t even think HE knows what he wants, for once."

"It would be a first huh?" Amy said smiling lightly at the thought of Isaac Hanson getting nervous. He’s always so calm…. She thought as Taylor chuckled at that.

"Ya it would, he like always knows what he wants and then I see him with like an hour before a date and he’s like running around like a chicken with no head." Taylor said laughing, "It will be good for him, he needs to be set up once by me." Taylor said chuckling.


"Now Jenn how’d you get yourself in such a mess?" Gary asked as they sat at a table together waiting for their meals.

"I don’t know Gary, I just don’t know." She sighed, but smiled at him, he looked good in his silk button up shirt.

"What?" He asked, looking at her perplexed.

"Nothing," She said laughing, "It’s the first time I haven’t seen you in a Redskins jersey that’s all, I’m amazed." She finished.

"Well it’s the first time I have seen you in a dress, but I think that you should wear them more often." He said smiling sheepishly.

"Thanks, but what do you think I should do? I like him, but I don’t know if I should tell him, I mean he’s a superstar. I one, will be hated by his fan. Two never get to see him, or I will have to drop everything to follow him. I don’t know." Jenn said, she had left out the part about liking him, that was another reason that she didn’t want to go out with Isaac, Gary knew everything about her, he was a part of her, he stood up for her when no one else would.

Her dream changed scenes, she was now in Josh’s kitchen, watching him hit her, like a bystander, she watched Gary as he picked up Josh and threw him out of his own house.

"I’ll never let him do that too you again." She heard Gary whisper to her. Josh had been drunk, his dad had been working late and of course Josh would drink. Josh never wanted to hit Jenn, but as he put it "You wouldn’t put out, so I had to put you in place."

Again the dream faded and then flashed back into a new scene. Again she was in Josh’s kitchen, and again he was drunk and yelling at her. Gary wasn’t there to save her that time. She remembers that night vividly; Josh raped her that night. He was so drunk he first beat her till she was unconcisous and then took her up to his room, to "finish the job." She never spoke that to anyone, except Gary he was the only one she told. Josh didn’t even remember it, so he never spoke of it either. Her dream fading again after she had watched herself scream and cry while Josh raped her.

"You should go for it, you need to move on." Her dream flashed back with her and Gary, they were about half way through their food.


"That’ll be great, I’ll find out when we come out to San Fran, they’ll never know." Taylor said after Amy had explained her plan.

"We shall call this plan "A"." She chuckled, hearing Jenn mumble something.


Her dream faded and then reappeared as her and Gary were walking along the beach; she was back in her body. They walked along together; catching up on stuff, even though it had been only a month or so since school had let out, it felt like years had gone by. Jenn listened to him banter on about what he was doing about college; she just really wanted for him to shut up so she could kiss him.

"Gary, I have something to tell you." She said turning him to face her.

"Yeah?" He said looking like an angel under the full moon.

"I like you, like you A LOT." She said, looking at him blush. He bent down and kissed her.

He picked her up in his arms and twirled her around. "Do you know how long I have waited to hear you say that?" He said kissing her deeply. When the kiss ended and she opened her eyes, Gary was not holding her, but Isaac was, and he smiled and kissed her on her ear whispering, "Do you?"

She jumped from his arms, "What? Where’s Gary?" She asked him confused.

"HA! Where’s Gary? Why do you want to know where he is? So he can help you Jenn? I thought I told you, we’re together FOREVER!" The body said, morphing to reveal Josh, his stagger and sneering body uttered those words before Jenn woke up with a start.

"That was wack."

Chapter 14 Why me Index.