Chapter 14: Plan A?

The guys came up to California a lot, but Jenn was always busy, either with school, or her trying to find a job, or something would just come up. But Amy and Taylor always got together, they got along great, they had that kind of relationship that was really weird. Both of them being apart didn’t bother them cause they were both so busy to care, Taylor and the new record and then Amy was helping Jenn or her school plays or just being a normal teen.

Jenn got an internship with the teen magazine Sizzle and her photography teacher told the company that she wouldn’t need any help, so it being the first day of summer Amy decided to tag along and see how Jenn’s day would go.

"So who is my first client?" Jenn happily asked as she set up her lights and Amy loaded her camera.

"Well Carrie, one of our staff writers just got done with the group the Moffatts, they’ll be here on about ten minutes." A crewmember said and quickly excited after he heard Amy let out a delighted squeal.

"Clam down! You don’t want to get me fired, do you?" Jenn hissed as Amy jumped around the small room.

She stopped and said "Sorry, I’m just so excited, Scott…" She smiled dreamily. "He’s the one that you want to…. Um…. Get to know." Amy said winking.

Jenn blushed and said, "You better remember Tay while you’re here."

"Why?" Amy said still dreaming about Scott.

"Because Tay can have his billions and billions of fans hunt you down." Jenn said laughing.

"WELL you better think about Ike, don’t start Jenn, I see your face when he doesn’t come up with Tay." Amy said, putting on her headphones and turning away.

"… If you don’t do this then how is anyone going to know about you or your music?" Mr. Moffatt said to the boys.

He got mumbles of "Yes dad." And "OK"

Then Dave piped up by saying "Dad, you know I don’t like my picture being taking."

"Well, you are just going to have to deal with it." Mr. Moffatt said.

"Dave, its OK, if you want too you can just stand there and not look at the camera or anything. Don’t have to smile, no pressure." Jenn said smiling, she glanced at each of the boys.

"OK…" Dave timidly answered.

"Guys I have to go over some stuff with Capitol. So I’ll be back in about two hours." Mr. Moffatt said and exited.

"Good, now lets get started. Amy can I have my camera please?" Jenn said as the boys just stood there awkwardly. "Amy?" Jenn again said, looking at her younger cousin, she had her head phones up so loud that she hadn’t noticed the Moffatts arrival. "OK Scott, go up to her and tap her on the shoulder." Jenn said chuckling. "But be careful, I dunno what she’ll do." Jenn finished.

"Um… OK." Scott said and walking up to the still oblivious Amy. When he taped her she looked up and ripped off her headphones, opened her mouth and then just passed out.

Jenn burst out laughing and walked over to where Scott was bent over Amy trying to wake her up. "She’s just a little excited to see you." Jenn said shaking her cousin a little.

"That’s an understatement." Clint said as they all looked on in amassment.

"OK who wants to go first?" Jenn asked after the had awaken Amy.

"I’ll go first." Scott confidently said getting from the couch that him and his brothers were sitting at.

"Jenn Sizzle only gave you six rolls so don’t go to crazy." Amy said looking at the rolls of film.

"OK Amy." Jenn said as Scott walked under all the lights and waited for Jenn to look at him. She turned her attention to him and said, "I won’t pose you unless you look dead OK?"

"Yeah." He said smiling.

Jenn had used about half a roll of film and notice that he hadn’t looked at the camera. "Scott if you don’t stop staring at my chest, I swear." And he blushed and looked down; she took the opportunity and took pictures of him like that.

"How old are you?" He asked as she took profiles of him.

"Way out of your league buddy boy."

"No, really?"

"I turn 19 in about three weeks."

"Hey Jenn he’s having the same thoughts you had a while back." Amy cut in giggling.

Jenn turned bright red behind the camera and muttered, "Shut up Amy… Don’t make me get a gun…"

"Shhhh…" Amy said as Jenn handed her the camera to reload it. "I’m just telling the truth."

"Ya, but do you really want me to get a gun?" Jenn giggled as Scott took Amy’s seat.

"So what are these thoughts?" He asked.

"Nothing." Jenn quickly said as Amy laughed. "So who’s next?" She finished as Amy handed her the camera.

"I’ll go." Clint said getting up.

"So Clint you like all this fame?" Jenn said as she took some pictures.

"Aspects." He said blinking.

"So what instrument do you play?"


"OK then play it."


"Well you’ve never air guitared?" Jenn said demonstrating. He laughed and Jenn pictured it.

"Ya I have." He said as she moved around him.

"Well then do it!" She exasperated. Her final five shots where of him pretending to be a guitarist from Limp Bizkit.

"OK" She decided to leave Bob last. "Dave, come on."

He looked up from his hands and said, "OK." He got under the lights and stood straight as a board and had no emotion on his face. She had to get him to loosen up, so he wouldn’t look too weird in the pictures.

She remember something Amy told her, she had watched Regis and Kathy Lee and for some reason he didn’t want to tell why his nickname was Big D. Amy said something about him for being the biggest baby. "So Dave, why don’t you like being called Big D?" She asked and he blushed and looked down.

"None of your business." He joked.

"So why do you play the keyboards?"

"It was the only instrument left."

"Oh, I thought that you wanted to be like Taylor Hanson. He’s got tons of girls that just want to touch his keyboards. They love to watch him bounce, it scares me." Jenn said moving on of the lights back a little

"He’s much better than me. I’m not half as good as he his." Dave humbly said. "And their fan base is so large, you’re right, it’s scary." He finished, smiling.

"OK, I have an idea." She said and walked up to him and rolled up the selves on his shirt and on his pants and messed up his hair. "Amy, how’s he look?"

"Strangely…. Cool, it’s like a flashback to Grease. A guy did that at my school this year." Amy commented as Jenn took her position back behind the lights and kneeled on the ground to make Dave seem taller.

"OK, I’m all done Dave." Jenn said getting up. She heard a sigh escape from him, "It wasn’t THAT bad?"


The whole time Bob had been quiet, he had been playing a small rectangular pad that was called a "practice pad" it made the same sound of the snare drum when it was hit. The whole time he had been concentrating on that.

"C’mon Bob." She said, as he seemed to come back from a daydream. "And bring that stuff too." She said pointing to the pad and his drumsticks. "Can you just plop down right there and beat on it?" She asked, changing the background color to black to match Bob more. She heard Scott snicker. "The practice pad, twit." She mumbled eyeing Scott. "Or do you need a chair or something?"

"Nah, I’m OK." He said sitting down. He looked up at her a tad bit confused. She thought it was just the cutest thing. So she took some of him like that.

"Well are you gonna practice or not?" She said and he began to bang away on the pad. After about half a roll she decided to try something. She made a corner out of the two walls that were the background and said, "OK, Bob get close as you can to the two walls as you can OK?"

"Yeah." He replied

"OK, now have you ever seen the move Face Off, or any other like action film with a psycho bad guy?

"Yeah…." He said, just a tad bit confused.

"Well look like that. You blend in with the background and its black, so that gives you like the weird-o look." She said, smiling as Bob tried it.

"OK, so you want him to look weirder than he already is?" Scott joked.

"Shhhh…" She said, handing Bob his drum sticks, "Now like point and stuff with them." She took many pictures of him just like going crazy. "OK Final shot." She said.

"What ya want me to do?" He asked looking at her.

"OK, I want you to stand with your arms out like Leo did in Titanic, when he said ‘I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!’" He obeyed and she took the final picture.

Chapter 15