Chapter 15: Plan A… Gary?

The shoot with the Moffatts wen well the group shots had come out wonderfully as the editors of Sizzle remarked. Now Jenn and Amy sped up the California coast line to Mann’s Chinese Theater, movie stars were going to be there for an opening for movie premiere, Jenn didn’t ask what movie it was, she just knew that she had to be there. Amy put the Moffatts CD Chapter 1: A New Beginning in the CD player in Jenn’s car. She bought a ’99 Thunderbird, she had bought it with the money that she had gotten from her grandmother. Jenn heard Scott’s voice drift out of the speakers, she felt her face redden lightly, after the shoot he had waited till everyone had left the room and he had gotten the courage to ask her for her number. She gave him the local Pizza Hut number instead of her real number. She laughed, hoping that he wouldn’t be TOO upset at her. She now, looking back kinda wished that she gave him her real number, the kiss that he awkwardly gave her before he ran off was the sweetest she could have ever gotten.

"Jenn? JENN!!!?!?!? Watch the road please." Amy said pulling Jenn from the deep recesses of her mind.

"OK, I have something to tell you." She said, slowing for traffic.

"I DO TOO!!!!" Amy squealed, she did that a lot.

"Well yours sounds more important than mine… Go ahead, shoot." Jenn said turning down the radio slightly, but only to be turned back up by Amy.

"Ike and Tay are gonna be at the premiere tonight and I was thinking that they could come back with us." Amy said, tonight Plan A will be born.

"What are they gonna follows us in?" Jenn asked, confused.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, they bought a new VW Beetle, and it’s customized for them." Amy said beaming.

"Customized? What when someone tries to steal it "MMMBOP" starts? That would scare me…. NO wait, the hubcaps, have that stupid symbol on it, don’t they????" Jenn said laughing as Amy giggled at the thought. "What about Zac, Is he coming too?" Jenn asked as they entered the city.

"Zac’s sick, Tay told me when he called, stomach flu or something like that." Amy said sighing. "So what’s your news?" She asked, playing with her brown hair.

"Oh, Gary’s coming up tonight too, he can meet Ike." Jenn said happily.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Amy said flabbergasted.

"Ya, cool huh? He is visiting family and is driving down from Sacramento, he should be here tonight or tomorrow." Jenn said, her turn to be beaming.

"From Sacramento? He’ll be here tomorrow." Amy said, sighing, she knew how long it took to drive around this state and she was glad that Gary wouldn’t ruin Plan A.


"Umm.. Taylor, why are you telling me what to wear?" Isaac asked as Taylor ransacked through his suitcases for something "Suitable" for tonight. He had brought two suitcases; they would be spending sometime in LA for the new record.

"Well we are going to go to Amy’s house afterwards, I already asked Mom and Dad, I told them since we were gonna be halfway there then why not go visit her? And plus your style is a bit… Old, I want to…. Spice you up a bit. " Taylor explained, I want you to look good for Jenn, twit. He thought.

"Is Jenn gonna be there?" Isaac asked, almost reading Taylor’s mind. He was getting tires of the blind dates his mother kept setting him up to go on.

"Yeah, I think so, Amy didn’t say." Taylor said lying.

"How ya feeling Zac?" Isaac asked as the pale boy walked in, clutching his stomach.

"I would be better if Sara would stop calling and asking about me, maybe the next time she calls, someone tell her I died…." Zac said collapsing on the bed with a moan, "And who gave her my number any ways? TAY?" He demanded, looking at both Isaac and Taylor like they were rotten criminals.

"No, I didn’t, Ike did." Taylor choked out, before being hit by Isaac.

"I would hurt you, but I think I’ll just puke in your boots instead." Zac threatened.

"Man whatever you got, don’t give it to me." Taylor said as Isaac twirled the car keys in his hands.

"Well don’t go near Jessie or Avie then!" Zac said, rolling over to reach the remote.

"I won’t." Isaac said as Taylor stood in front of him and stared hard as him. "What Tay am I turning you on? Do you like my sexy sexy body?" Isaac quoted from the new movie Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me.

Isaac was wearing a black silk shirt with a forest green tie and a black sports coat. "Oh ya baby." Taylor said rolling his eyes.


"Here on the red carpet in front of Mann’s Chinese Theater stars are pouring in, lets see if Jenn is able to get their attention!" Amy said like some newscaster.

"Shut UP Amy." Jenn hissed. "LEO!!! LOOK OVER HERE!!!!" Jenn shouted to Leonardo DiCaprio, just like all the other photographers, trying to get his attention. Many other stars came flowing in like the water had broke from the Hover Dam.

"And here comes tow/third’s of Hanson in their new VW Beetle, what’s different about this car, you might ask? It has bullet proof marshmallows, yes marshmallows to protect them from rabid fans!" Amy said as Isaac and Taylor got out of their car and smiled politely to everyone.

Chapter 16
Why Me index.