Chapter 17: Trust?

"Amy, you know I trust you, that’s why I like you so much." Taylor said, playing with Amy’s hair and smiling at her.

"Is that all you like? There is more to me, ya know. How could you think that I dated anyone while you were away?" She demanded, her green eyes sparked with anger.

"I dunno Amy I think that it would be easier for you to get into a relationship while I was in Tulsa." He said truthfully, but he hated himself for saying what he was. He saw the anger and pain in Amy’s eyes and just wanted that to go away.

"Well do you know how many times I got worried when another rumor would pop up? That picture with you and that French fan still get me." Amy said, looking at him sadly.

"Amy, you know I wouldn’t date anyone else but you. That girl was chasing me like crazy and she actually caught my hand. That’s what you saw." He replied, brushing away the one tear that Amy had let slip by her eyelids.

"Really?" Amy replied looking at him. He nodded in agreement and smiled as she jumped out for her chair that was opposite of him, they were still in the kitchen. "I love you so much!" She cooed and leaned in to kiss him on the lips. He smiled through the kiss at that thought. Her hands ran through his hair as the kiss deepened and he ran his hands down her back. When she pulled away he rested his hands on her lower back and she whispered to him, "Wanna watch some TV?"


Isaac decided to ask the question that had plagued him after she had told him her circumstances. And he didn’t want her to run away again. "Jenn can I ask you something?"

"Sure shoot."

"Personal…" He waited for the go ahead nod.

"About that night, I assume…" She gulped deeply. "You do have a right to know."

"Why didn’t you try and run?"

"Well first he knocked me out and when I came too he had tied me to his bed naked, already beaten heavily all over and that’s when he did it. I don’t remember how many times he did it, if you want to know. And he knocked me out whenever I tried to get free. And the sad part was that I even stayed with him after that a few weeks cause he didn’t remember it cause he was so drunk, so why should I have?" She finished almost with no emotion in her voice.

"Did you like get anything from him?" He tentatively asked.

"Nah, you can’t even tell it happened. My mom doesn’t even know he did it. All she knows that is he beat the shit out of me that night." Jenn said looking at him. "I am so afraid Ike, I’ve been having these dreams, I keep reliving that night over and over, it’s horrible Ike, and the last words are always Josh yelling ‘We’re together forever’ I don’t want that Ike." She finished, shaking with fear.

He took her in his arms and they held each other for a few minutes and he said, "That will never happen to you again, not if I have anything to say about it." As he held her tight he kissed her on her head.

She head his stomach rumble, "I think you’re hungry huh?" She giggled and looked up at him.

"Well I think my stomach spoke up about that subject." He said blushing.

"You wanna go down and get some pizza?"

"Nah, what’s in the fridge?"


"Seen it. Seen it, boring, blah." Amy said flipping through the channels on the TV.

"How can you tell what it is? I can’t tell you are moving it to fast." Taylor kidded, putting his arm around Amy.

"I can just tell." Amy said resting her head on his shoulder. "I wish that we could be normal." She muttered as Taylor played with her hair.

"Why do you say that?" Taylor asked, lifting her face up so he could see it.

"Well wouldn’t you like to get together and go to the movies like every weekend or go to the mall and hang out at the mall?"

"You know my situation.."

"Yes I know, but it just gets so hard sometimes, I just miss you so much." Amy said closing her eyes.

He kissed her lightly on the lips and said, "Well that’s why we need to do as much of this as we can while I’m here. Like talking, watching TV, playing a game… or…"



"Shut up." Amy said giggling.

"Or being told shut up.." He said as she brushed her hand against his cheek.

"You look so cute when you babble." Amy said as he kissed her hand.

"Well you look cute all the time." Taylor said making Amy blush.

"You just know the right words to say." Amy said smiling; it was Taylor’s turn to blush.

Taylor leaned into kiss Amy and whispered, "That’s why I make music." And kissed her deeply, putting his hands on her face. And he smiled as he felt Amy’s hand reach up and run through his hair.


"So what ya wanna do know?" Jenn asked after they both finished a lunchable.

"You really don’t want to know what I want to." Isaac chided, but got the look from Jenn that was not what he wanted.

"Sorry, you’ll have to wait for that. But really what do you want to do? Go for a walk? Or sit on the balcony or sit here?" Jenn said sitting up in her bed looking at Isaac.

He checked his watch, "It’s 10:30 p.m. and you want to go for a walk?" He asked amused.

"Yeah, I do it often, just to get away. Or I just kinda sit on the balcony and think." She said, pulling him up to the sitting position.

"I’ve never really had time to just waste, I get time to think lots, but just siting there, doing nothing, now that’s a new one for me." He chuckled.

"Well then enjoy this with me." She said pulling him up off the bed and she kissed him lightly on the lips before they walked out to the balcony.

Chapter 18
Why Me index.