Chapter 18: Gary?

"Wake up sunshine." A deep voice said, stirring Jenn from her sleep.

"Go away Ike, let me sleep." Jenn muttered rolling over and pulling the covers over her head.

"It’s not Ike silly head." The voice called, pulling the covers off of Jenn, she had fallen asleep in her clothes. "It’s me Gary." He jumped on the bed, joining her.

"What time is it?" She asked sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"It’s 12:30 dear, your cousin let me in." He smiled; his dark brown hair still shaved like he always had it. It was always really short. It now reminded her of Clint Moffatts.

"Well at least you didn’t try to climb up the balcony." She chuckled.

"Well I didn’t bring my rock climbing stuff, so I couldn’t." He joked his blue eyes twinkling. "So I take it that you and Ike have something going, huh?" He said as she got out of her bed.

Jenn blushed deeply, "Yeah, so you can be jealous."

He laughed, "Why would I be jealous? I finally got Krystal."

"Really? Good for you. You’ve only wanted her since what the eighth grade?" Jenn said, hiding her disappointment with sarcasm.

"Yeah, it’s the best." He replied with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll be right out, then we can talk and stuff." Jenn said disappearing behind her bathroom door.


"So Tay what did Ike tell you on your way home?" Amy asked Taylor over the phone that Saturday afternoon.

"Um… Nothing to unordinary." He said, him and Ike had left a little after midnight. "He said that Jenn did like him and they were going to try it for a while and see what happens with it." He replied and laughed.

"What?" Amy asked confused.

"Oh, Ike told me last night that Jenn was so tired that she fell asleep on him, and he couldn’t wake her up to say goodbye."

"Well she does sleep heavy. It takes me a while to get her up, sometimes she doesn’t even hear her alarm." Amy said, "I hear it more than she does, so if Ike tries to wake her up with the pebbles against the door, it aint gonna work. Just inform him that. Well I gotta go, Gary’s here and they are coming down the steps." Amy added.

"Make sure that Gary doesn’t screw up plan A." Taylor reminded.

"Why do you think that I am going to bother them? I love you." Amy said as Jenn and Gary were getting close to hearing distance.

"I love you too." Taylor said as Amy hung up the phone.

"Where’s mom?" Jenn asked, walking in the kitchen.

"She didn’t come home, she’s prolly with Jeff. So what are we doing today?" She asked looking at Jenn expectantly.

"Well Gary did you bring you swimsuit?"

"Uh- Ya its in one of my bags.."

"Go get is, I feel like swimming, at the beach." Jenn added smiling widely.

Chapter 19
Why Me contents.