Chapter 19: More than Friends?

Since it was such a nice day the beach was crowded but still the sand was warm and the water was refreshing. Jenn sat and sunbathed while Amy and Gary tossed a Frisbee around. Jenn decided to just layout in the sun and watch. Gary tossed the Frisbee over Amy’s head and it sailed over and hit a sunbathing fellow.

"Way to go slick." Jenn said as Amy walked over to the guy.

"I’m sorry ‘bout that, the big idiot over there did it." Amy said to the boy, who was wearing a hat and sunglasses.

"That’s OK… Amy is that you?" The boy asked, pulling his sunglasses down on his nose.

"Yeah.. How’d you know my name?" She asked confused as she took the Frisbee. She studies the hazel eyes carefully.

"It’s me, Scott." Scott Moffatt said. And Amy like before opened her mouth to speak, but closed it and dropped to her knees. Scott rolled his eyes and muttered. "Great, and I was trying not to get noticed."

"What happened to Amy?" Jenn said almost two seconds after Amy had passed out.

"Why do I always have this affect on girls?" He muttered to himself.

Jenn knew that voice anywhere; she listened to it enough. "Scott?" She asked looking at him.

He looked up and blushed. "Hey Jenn." He replied sheepishly.

"You know each other?" Gary asked as Amy came to.

"Yeah, I did a photo shoot with him and his brothers a while back. Jenn explained as Amy sat up. "You OK Amy?" Jenn asked, concern tracing her face.

"Yeah, Scott you just have that affect on me." Amy giggled.

"I have that affect on more than just you." Scott said as they all arose off the sand.

"You prolly don’t know Gary, but Scott is in a band, he and his bros. are in the-"

"Don’t say it very loud." Scott hissed, grabbing Jenn’s arm. "I don’t want to be mobbed, that’s why I’m wearing the shades and the hat." He added, before letting Jenn continue.

"He’s apart of the group the- Moffatts." Jenn finished barely above a whisper.

Gary looked confused, "OK…. So you want to join us?" He asked as Amy tossed the Frisbee up and down.

"Sure, I’d love to. At least I won’t get hit with the Frisbee anymore." He joked as they all walked back to where their stuff was laying.

"Hey guys I’m going for a swim." Jenn added as they all went back to the umbrella.

"OK, c-ya." Amy said as Jenn trotted off to the ocean. "So Scott where are your brothers?" She added as they resumed their game of Frisbee.

"Well yesterday we all got booster shots before we go on an overseas promo tour and well they all had a reaction to one of the shots, so Shelia, our step-mom, took them back to the doctor."

"That’s too bad." Amy said as they tossed the Frisbee around.


They all spent the day together; Amy and Scott were becoming great friends. Jenn was putting the chairs back in her car when she saw a van pull up and three very familiar boys jumped out, they looked good, except Dave, they all ran to Scott, but Dave lagged behind. So Jenn decided to catch up with the keyboardist.

"Hey Dave, you OK? You don’t look so hot." Jenn said as she heard Clint talking to Scott.

"C’MON Scott, Shelia said we could all go for a dip and then we gotta go." Clint said as he ripped off his shirt as Bob ran for the water.

"I’ll be OK, the shots I got from the doctors just kinda is making me weak." Dave said with a weak smile.

As Jenn and Dave walked up to Scott he said "That’s OK, you all go ahead, I’m all swimmed out."

"You hang in there Dave." Jenn said concerned that the boy might not be well enough to swim.

"Its OK, he’s a good swimmer." Scott said as Dave walked to the shoreline. "Um.. Amy? Can I have your RIGHT phone number?" He asked nervously, stressing on the word ‘Right’, he shot Jenn a evil glare.

"Scott I’m involved with someone." She said, thinking that he wanted to date her.

He blushed and said, "That’s ok, I just want to be friends."