Chapter 20: Birthday for two?

"So what are you and Mr. Ikey going to do got your burf-TAY?" Amy asked as Jenn got ready. It had been almost two weeks since her and Ike last saw each other, they would talk, almost everyday when the guys would have a break from recording, but that was only like for ten minutes tops.

"We’re just going to have a nice picnic together and spend the night having fun. Ike said Diana and Walker regretfully agreed that him and Tay could stay over cause it was my birthday. Zac gets left out again." Jenn said, she almost wanted Ike to bring Zac along; she didn’t know how left out he would feel.


"Yes Amy, so you can clam down, he will keep you occupied." Jenn replied, brushing her locks, she saw how Amy’s face lit up, she hadn’t seen Taylor in two weeks either. She would talk to him daily, and Scott would also call her, from his various places whenever he had the time too, and he made sure that him and her had at least a two hour conversation. "How do I look?" Jenn asked, for once being self-conscious.

Amy glanced Jenn over her; she was wearing a v-cut shirt that dipped a little lower than what Amy thought was what Jenn would usually wear. She’s thinking about what Isaac would like. Amy thought, and seeing that the olive green shirt matched her tan shorts. Jenn looked nervous, "Jenn you look fine, what’s on your mind?"

" ‘Member that dream I told you about?" She stated, the one that she had told Ike about, she eventually told Amy about the dream, but not about her being raped. Amy nodded, concerned. "I had it again, that’s all, it scared me."

"You should go to a shrink to see what’s up with that."

"I will." Was Jenn’s hurriedly reply.


"WHERE’S MY BIRTHDAY GIRL?!" Isaac called as they let themselves in the house.

Well we should be glad that mom decided to take that two week cruise. You and Ike can have some real fun." Amy joked, as they both ran down the hall to meet the guys.

Jenn rolled her eyes, "That’s what I’m afraid of. ISAAC!" Jenn squealed as she and Amy reached the top of the staircase. She ran straight to his arms, like she hadn’t seen him in two months, not two weeks.

"So how old are you now?" Taylor asked after he embraced Amy.

"I’m nine-teen baby!" She said and moved behind Isaac before Taylor could grab her and give her her birthday hits. "Nope, you can’t hit me. Amy tell him." Jenn giggled, looking over Isaac on her tiptoes.

"Sorry Tay, I got her already this moring, I got it taped too." Amy started laughing as Jenn when pale.

"You didn’t!"

"I did."

"Amy, you covered me in Jell-O, whipped cream and peanut butter! I felt like a giant sundae, I’m glad I got up before you got out the ice cream." Jenn explained what had occurred that moring. Taylor burst out laughing, and even Isaac couldn’t help but crack a smile. "I saw that." She told Isaac, poking him in the ribs.

"Owie, that hurt." He said as Jenn, still behind him, nuzzled his neck.

"Well darn, that was my gift to you." Taylor said after he had finished laughing.

"Some thought." Jenn said, her turn to laugh.


"Well they seem pretty happy." Taylor said as Amy and him ate dinner together. Jenn and Isaac, like planned took their food in a small basket to eat near the woods, about three acres away from the house.

"Yeah, Jenn is really happy with everything in our lives." Amy commented.

"What you get her?" Taylor asked excitedly.

Amy smiled, "Well a lot of stuff, like gag gifts, one is a box of LARGE condoms for her and Ike…" Amy started giggling, "And some other stuff, like a giant Austin Powers stand up billboard, and a black light and I got her a beautiful necklace."


"Ike you make great fried chicken." Jenn said, as they ate their small picnic/dinner in the warm fading sunlight.

"Thanks Jenn, it’s your birthday, do you think that I’d let you cook?" He asked, he forgot to mention to her that it was ‘Shake N Bake’. But what she didn’t know didn’t hurt her.

"Well I didn’t want you to ruin your silk shirt."

"That’s what a apron is for. But let’s get off the topic of what we are eating. How have you bee?" He said, staring at her brown eyes intently.

His stare always sent chills down her spine, and it also stopped all time, that is how she felt when they locked eyes. "Okay I guess, Sizzle hasn’t needed me so much, but I did get to do a shoot with some group named C-Note, they were okay I guess. And that’s the only one I have done on my own, all the others I have been helping the staff photographer." Jenn said, "How’s the album coming?" She added, he looked tired, but content.

"Well its going okay I guess, we are taking so long cause fans found out where the studio is at and they have been pounding on the doors and some even got in the complex and stopped us from recording for like a good hour while they bombarded us. So we’ve had to change studios, and hopefully they won’t find us." He said, sighing.

"How do they find you?"

"Seriously, I don’t know." He replied sadly.


"Help me with the dishes that Ike left behind." Amy told Taylor.

Taylor chuckled, "Ike doesn’t even the dishes that are left at home, but he gets stuck with changing the diapers."

"I think that I’d rather get stuck with the dishes than the diapers." Amy said as she put most of the dishes in the dishwasher. "How’s Zac?" She asked as he cleaned the stove.

"He has been down lately. A bunch of anti’s said he couldn’t take music seriously, so he’s like really down about that. And he’s like looking like he isn’t having any fun with the music he’s taking it so seriously." He said sighing. "Being a pop star sucks sometimes, ya know?" He finished, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck.

"Well I couldn’t really know, but it looks stressful." Amy said as she finished with the dishes.

"Well I’m happy about you isn’t out yet, Sara tells everyone she’s dating Zac. He’s blocked her number, but I think that she calls him from her friends or something." Taylor said, shaking his head.

"You don’t want your fans to know about me?"

"Well not really, they could try and hurt you, but I dunno." Taylor shrugged.

"That’s good… I think…I could try to tell the kids at school, but I doubt they would believe me." Amy muttered.

"Well who cares right? We both know we love each other." Taylor said, taking her in his arms and kissing her deeply


"I’m not sure if I like those clouds." Jenn said, looking up at the sky as it darkened with the setting sun and the thunderous clouds moving in. Jenn and Isaac had finished their meal and sat under one of the trees together.

"Maybe it will pass over us." Isaac hoped, hugging Jenn tighter. He nuzzled her neck deeply, and she sighed deeply. They enjoyed just sitting there letting the world spin around them, but Jenn was a little uneasy, the dream the night before had disturbed her greatly. It was somewhat new, it was the same old dream that she first had, but after Josh would say that they would be together forever, and he would pull Isaac’s dead body into her mind. Jenn tensed at the thought of that. Isaac felt it.

"What’s the matter Jenn?" He asked, rubbing her neck and shoulders.

She sighed, and decided to explain it to him.

"Wow, Jenn, you really dreamed that?" He asked, looking at her eyes, they shimmered with tears and she slowly nodded after she had explained the horrible nightmare to him. "We are going to go to a shrink." He stated, and kissed her lightly on the lips, she eased up a little as the kiss deepened, but they were rudely interrupted by a large boom of thunder followed by a flash of lighting.

Chapter 21
Why Me home