Chapter 21: Rain Rain Go away…

~*~Before I get hate mail about this this chapter has some adult/sexual content and if you can not take that then don't read it.~*~

"Oh goodie, TRL, wonder what number they’re one.." Amy remarked as her and Taylor sat watching TV.

"MTV? Aw man, can’t we watch VH1? They’ll prolly be like re-airing the pop up video of Where’s The Love? or something." Taylor remarked as Carson Daily, the show host came on.

"And with 17% of your e-mails and 19% of your phone calls. Here is the number three video today, I Do (Cherish You) by 98 degrees." Carson stated and Amy began to drool over the four very finely toned men.

Four guys on steroids that can’t write music and dance around… WHOA that chick is HOT! Taylor thought as he too began to drool over the video also. Lighting and thunder began to crash over the house and shortly after it started the cable crashed. "What happened to the TV?" Taylor said, seeing the static that now replaced the fine chick that he had been staring at.

"Damn the cable went out." Amy said, turning off the TV. "No rain just yet… Damn again, I spoke too soon." Amy finished, as the sky let loose and the rain pelted towards the ground.

"Let’s go up to your room." Taylor suggested, pulling Amy up the stairs.


"Ike gimmie all your clothes, I’m gonna stick them in the dryer." Jenn said as they both stood soaking wet, in her room, they had run to the house in the rain and both looked like drown rats. Their clothes clung to their bodies. Isaac stripped of all his clothes, except his boxers and handed them sheepishly to Jenn. "Now get into bed, I don’t want you to get sick." She ordered, almost in a motherly tone. He watched how the clothes clung to her slightly curved body, he hopped into bed like she ordered and Giggles came up to see him. Isaac felt a little uncomfortable being in a girls bed half-naked, he had never done it before, and he lifted his eyes to see a half-naked Jenn approaching the bed.

She half smiled, half blushed, and said "I thought that you might feel odd if I put some clothes on, so walking around in my underwear isn’t all that bad." They began to kiss, but Giggles decided that it was play time, so she interrupted them. "OK Giggles, I know you want to play, but.." Jenn started, picking up the cat and walking across the room. "I don’t think this is the time." She finished, shutting the door, with the cat on the other side of it. "Now we can be alone." Jenn said, as she watched how intently Isaac was staring at her. It sent chills down her spine, and made her stomach flip flop. "It’s not polite to stare." She chided as she returned to bed with Isaac.

"It’s hard not to stare at such a beautiful body." He complimented her, making her blush deeply.

She kissed him on the lips and as their kissing got more passionate, and deeper, Isaac slowly positioned himself on top of Jenn. He wanted to touch every part of her body, every time he touched her, his heart burned for more. His kisses left her lips and trailed down her neck, he slowly removed her bra and moved his lips lower. She moaned softly as Isaac’s lips caressed her body. Jenn grabbed a tuff of his hair and forced him lower than her navel as he removed her underwear, his kisses felt like they where setting fire to her skin. His lips returned to hers as she began to pull at his boxers.


"Taylor why did you want to come up in my room? There’s nothing to do." Amy said as they sat on her bed. "What do you want to do?"

"You know what I want to do…" Taylor said, kissing Amy’s neck.

"We are to young for that. And we both prolly aren’t ready for it." She stated, pulling away from Taylor’s lips.

He leaned back and sighed, he studied Amy’s face deeply, and it made his heart ache. "You love me don’t you?" He softly asked, barely above a whisper.

She regarded him with a look of amazement, "Why would you think that I wouldn’t love you?" She replied.

"I don’t know, but why don’t you want to have fun?" He asked, kissing her neck again. "There isn’t anyone else is there?" He demanded, looking up at her coldly.

Her eyes went wide with fear Why does he always think that? And her anger flared up. "Do you think that I would go out with anyone else but you? Didn’t we have this conversation earlier?"

"Well I dunno, Ike told me that Jenn said that you and that Mo-Fat boy have been talking a lot lately." Taylor shot back, pointing to the pictures on the walls.

"He’s my friend Taylor, I love you more than the words in the dictionary can describe, can’t you see that?" She stated, looking at her hands.

The words hit him like a freight train at full speed to his heart and to his mind. He quietly pulled out a small notebook and pen that he always carried in his back pocket.

"What are you doing?" She mumbled as he opened the notebook.

"…Love you more than the dictionary can describe…That’s a good bridge or chorus. I’ll show it to the guys and see what they think about it." He said smiling; song ideas always made him happy. His smile was contagious; it always made everyone else smile, even if they were upset.

"So I helped you write a song?" She said, smiling back.

"Yeah, maybe." He said hugging her. "You are such an inspiration." He said and kissed her on the top of the head. "I wonder what happened to Ike and Jenn.." Taylor thought aloud.

"They came in a while ago, and Jenn put something in the dyer. But with the power out like it just did, I don’t think it will get dry." Amy said the room plunged into darkness. Amy grabbed a flashlight and said, "C’mon, I wanna know what they are doing." Taylor got up with Amy and grabbed her hand, so that he wouldn’t fall anywhere as she lead him out the door. Amy pressed her ear to the door, and heard nothing, but hushed voices.

She tried the doorknob "She locked the door!"


"Jenn locked the door! C’Mon, I wanna hear what they are doing." She said, yanking Taylor down the hall.

He had to follow blindly, or be left in the dark, they entered the laundry room, and Taylor said "And are we supposed to hear anything?"

"Ya this room isn’t insulated, so we should hear what they are saying, or doing."

"I’m not so sure I want to hear what they are doing." Taylor said, trying to walk back to Amy’s room in the dark, he ran into the doorway.

"Shhhh.. Ike’s saying something." She pressed her ear to the wall to hear.

Taylor shuddered, and pulled Amy back to her room. "I don’t want to know what my brother is saying while he’s prolly having SEX!" Taylor exclaimed, before Amy could ask why Taylor had pulled her back to her room. "Don’t you think it’s a bit rude to do that anyways? You are listening in, to two people at such an intimate… intimate…."

"Gathering?" Amy suggested, looking at Taylor, who seemed lost for words.

"No gathering is to formal… Intimate experience." He finished.

"You’re telling me that experience is less formal than gathering?"

"Well it sounds better don’t you think?" He said, taking Amy’s hands and kissing each of her fingers lightly. She smiled. "I don’t think you would want Jenn listening in if we got intimate." Taylor said as Amy lit some candles to brighten up the room

"Ya I guess you’re right." She said hugging him. He kissed her forehead lightly.


They both lay in the dark on the bed panting like wild animals. They were both trying to understand what they both had just experienced. Isaac at least used a condom and Jenn had been on birth control since age sixteen, so they didn’t have to worry about Jenn getting pregnant or either of them getting any diseases. She sat up to light some candles, but quickly laid back down, she got dizzy as she sat up. But she again sat up and lit the candles that stood around her room. She went around the room and opened the bathroom door for Giggles and unlocked the bedroom door.

"You know, while you walked around with the candle I thought you were an angel." Isaac whispered when Jenn returned to the bed beside him.

"Thanks Ike, but you’re my angel." She whispered, she ran her fingertips up and down Isaac’s bare chest. She sighed as she felt one of Isaac’s hands run through her hair. They both soon fell into a content sleep.


"C’mon Tay, take it off." Amy said as they sat on her bed, most of their clothing in a discarded array on her floor.

"No, a straight does not beat a flush. I win, you take it off." Taylor said, Amy was down to her shirt before her underwear would have to be discarded. Taylor was winning at their game of strip poker; he still had his shirt and shorts still on.

"Yes I does." Amy protested, folding her arms over her chest.

"OK, how about we both take something off?" Taylor said, wanting to get on with the next hand.

"Uh-un, no way, I’ll be sitting here in my underwear."

Taylor smiled. "You don’t do that on the weekends?" He got smacked with a pillow. "It’s just a question!" He got wacked again. He picked up a pillow also; "I’m not going to take that abuse!" And they began a playful battering match on her bed. By the time they had been worn out the cards were strewn everywhere, and they lay trying to catch their breaths on top of each other.

Taylor ran his hand up and down her spine, giving her goosebumps. "Tay, stop, you are giving me goosebumps." Amy said and Taylor stopped at her bra strap, and tried to undo it, but couldn’t find the clips anywhere.

"Why am I not finding the clips on your bra?" He asked, finally frustrated.

She giggled. "Well this bra the clip is in the front, it’s easier this way I think, and it’s harder for you to get any where with me." She added, as his face fell. She sighed and sat up, facing him, "OK Tay, I’ll do something, but you have to promise that you do not talk about sex and us, for a whole month. Got it?" He looked confused, but nodded his head slowly. "Now close your eyes." She commanded and he obeyed. He heard a small snap sound and felt Amy bring his hands up under her shirt. They both moaned aloud when their skin connected. Taylor opened his eyes and felt a bit awkward just staring at Amy. But Amy could have cared less, her skin felt as if it were on fire. She arched her back slightly as Taylor moved his hands slightly. Taylor began to move his hands around between her navel and her breasts. He soon had removed Amy's’ shirt and they began to kiss deeply. Taylor soon was on top of her and she felt him tug at her underwear.

She began to panic, "Taylor, stop." She said pushing him away.

"We’ve come this far…"

"This is far enough." Amy said, pushing him off her completely. She retrieved her discarded shirt. "You know what I said earlier, so don’t start." She warned, she softened "Plus, we should wait, cause after sex… What’s next on the intimacy level?" She looked at him questionably.

"Marriage or Break up.." Was the only answer that Taylor could give.