Chapter 22: Nightmares…

"Jenn? Jenn?" Isaac shook the limp body; she had been talking to her sleep. "JOSH! NOOOOOOOO!" Came Jenns’ curdling scream, as she laid trapped in a nightmare. Amy and Taylor came running into the room. "NO ISAAC, JOSH!!" Jenn continued to scream.

"WHAT’S WRONG?" Amy screamed.

Isaac shrugged, "She won’t or can’t-"


"Wake up." Isaac finished.

Amy rushed over to Jenn and began to shake her furiously, "Jenn! Jenn wake up!! WAKE UP!!" Jenn was curled up into the fetal position, covered in sweat and tears. Jenn would flinch every now and then

"Isaac, wake up, please wake up. Heart start beating again for God’s sake." Jenn mumbled. "JOSH I HATE YOU, DIE!!" Jenn screamed, sitting up, but still asleep. Her fists flew up in the air, seeming to make contact with something in her dream. "Die you bastard, I’ll never love you, you will not ever touch me, you will die." She vowed asleep still hitting the air. "How do you feel now? You’re like me, beaten to a pulp and YOU DESERVE IT!!!!" Jenn screamed, and her eyes shot open to see a worries Amy and Isaac and a confused Taylor. "What are you looking at?" Jenn said, upset.

"Jenn, you’re naked." Amy said, trying to hand Jenn a bed sheet.

"Isaac, you’re alive!" Jenn squealed, running into his arms. She began to sob uncontrollably as he hugged her tight.

"It’s okay Jenn, everything is going to be OK."

"No it’s not Ike, Josh said he’s going to kill you. He wants you dead Ike. And he wants me to know that. And he said that he’s gonna drive me insane!"

"Jenn tell us your dream."

"OK." Jenn said wrapping herself in the sheet that Amy supplied. She explained the dream of Josh raping her and beating her, but when it usually would end, it didn’t Josh brought Ike in the dream somehow and killed Isaac. Jenn said that blood was everywhere and she could feel it, taste it and smell it. When Josh had killed Isaac, Jenn began punching Josh and he laughed at Jenns futile attempts to hurt him. Finally she hit him so many times he faded away laughing. "I’m not crazy, am I?"

Why Me
Chapter 23