Chapter 23: Crazy? I used to be Crazy. So they locked me up and threw away the key, then the rats came. I hate rats; they make me go crazy…. Crazy? I used to be crazy…

Isaac had been so worried about Jenn he had stayed two more days with her and both times she tried to sleep, but the dream would occur. And the same outcome would end the dream. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, she began hitting her head against a wall screaming "GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" So she was in the state mental institution for a valuation. Most of the time she was heavily sedated, and sleeping, but all the while she had tears streaming down her face. She wailed that Josh was out there, coming to get her. He would haunt her every thought. His face, lunging at her, with a knife. Amy went to go see Jenn a few times alone, but Jenn was so sedated that she would not recognize Amy. Jenn wouldn’t or couldn’t talk. She would just sit on her bed rocking back and fourth like a child saying, "Go away Josh, go away."

Amy wanted to see if Jenn would remember Isaac, so one day she brought Isaac, who was still recording the record, even though he had a hard time concentrating on it. When Amy and Isaac went to see Jenn, it was not a reaction Amy had hoped. Amy walked in the room and Jenn smiled, as if remembering Amy.

She isn’t that sedated today. Amy thought as they entered the small room. But when Isaac entered the room Jenn backed into a corner of her room and wouldn’t move, she stared at Isaac as if he was a ghost and screamed that Josh was there and he was going to hurt her. And she rambled on screaming "THE DEAD WALKS AMONG US!"


Isaac never returned to the mental institution, Jenn was out in four months, but she had been prescribed a heavy medication. But still Josh plagued her dreams. The day that Jenn was let out, Ike and his family had flown from the middle of their South Asia tour to see Jenn. Jenn’s mother had flown out to see her daughter for the first time in a good two years. And of course Amy was there also.

"JENNIFER!" Her mother called when she took her first step into the outside world again. Jenn’s eyes were rimmed with joy full tears. She didn’t notice how much she liked communicating with someone else besides her shrink every day. When Amy came to see Jenn over the four months she asked Jenn why they thought she was in there and Jenn had told Amy that she had repressed all the hate and love that she had for Josh and she brought it upon herself.

Amy had another idea, but couldn’t tell her tell later that night.


"Jenn? Have you ever seen the movie "Carrie"" Amy asked Jenn later that night after Jenn’s mom was on her way home and Isaac and Taylor were in another room discussing the tour problems, Isaac and Taylor wanted to stay and be with Jenn and Amy.

"Yah, why do you ask?" Jenn said, her mind was a little foggy, but was somewhat clear.

"Well you know how she can move stuff with her mind?" Amy pressed, trying to make a point.

"Yeah I do." Jenn said nodding, not understanding where Amy was going with it.

"Well you’ll prolly think that I’m like out of the "X-Files" but what if Josh can cause your dreams?" Amy asked, looking at Jenn.

"He did, my pain is deeply rooted to him. That’s what my shrink told me." Jenn replied.

"No, I mean physically did it to you. I think that he might like doing it to you on purpose, my friend is a Satanist and she can do stuff like that. Is Josh a Satanist?" Amy asked, still searching Jenns’ face for a reaction.

"I doubt he would still hate me and do that to me Amy. But if you really want to know, yes he did dabble in the black arts. He was a Wiccan for some time, but moved to Satanist." Jenn said, "You think that Josh can get in my head and cause the dreams?" Jenn asked skeptically.

"Yes, I do, and at first he didn’t have enough power to cause them all the time, so he did it when your guard was down."

"While I was asleep."

"Precisely. And as he got the hang of it, he did it all the time. Hence you going into the hospital."

"But why did they subside? They stopped after like two months I was in there, and then they would come sporadically." Jenn pointed out.

"Well he might have been drained of all his power and couldn’t do it for a while." Amy said.

Jenn shook her head, "You really think that I am supposed to believe this?"

"No, but do you want me to show you that it is real?" Amy asked.

Jenn shrugged, "Sure, knock your socks off."

Diana and Walker agreed that the boys could stay the weekend, but after that, they needed to tour again. Isaac and Jenn sat on her bed and were peaceful. Jenn was half-asleep.

"Jenn…" Came the soft whisper of Amy.

"Amy?" Jenn called back. Amy slowly came into view.

"Do you believe me now?" Is all Amy said, fading away. Jenn bolted straight awake and ran to Amy’s room.

"Amy? You did that didn’t you?!?!" Jenn said, running into Amy, as they ran to see each other.

"Ya I did, so do you believe me now?"

"What did you do?" Taylor asked, as him and Isaac looked dumbfounded. The boy both wore confused faces after Amy explained to them how Josh had caused Jenns’ problems.

"Why would he just stop doing this?" Isaac asked just as Jenn had a few hours before.

"Well I have a new theory of why Amy." Jenn said, before Amy could tell the same answer as before.

"Okay, what is it?" Amy asked.

"Well what if he stopped cause he KNEW I was in the hospital? And he, to be the ass that he is, stop so I could get out.. And think that I’m getting better and then start again to make myself repeat the process, just to spite me." Jenn said.

"Well you know him better than I do.. But how do you think that Josh new you were in the hospital..?"

"Sara. Ike told Zac what was going on, right?" Jenn said looking to Isaac and Taylor for agreement, they both nodded. "Well that prolly came out when Sara would call him, and then I know that Dave and Josh are like really tight, so if Sara told Dave, then Josh would find out." Jenn said sadly. "He’s gonna start it again… I know it.. But I just have to be ready for it when he does."

"How does he do it? Get in your head like that?" Taylor asked, Amy had skipped that part of the explanation.

"Well, I did it by concentrating on something that she and I have done, that’s how you do it while she is sleeping." Amy replied.

"And while she was awake?" Isaac probed.

"I just talked to my friend, before I told anyone about my idea, but she said that they can do it only if the have a piece of the person. Like an article of clothing, or something else."

"He has some of my hair." Jenn said before anyone of them could ask.

"What?" All of them gasped.

Jenn sighed, another fact she didn’t like she had to tell. "Well when I awoke the day after he raped me, I noticed that there was a substantially large amount of hair missing from my scalp. I figured he did it just to try and hurt me."

"Well when are you gonna give him hell for what he did to you?" Amy asked, almost smirking.

"As soon as I can." Jenn replied.